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Entries in politics (7)


75 Future Now News - Cheap Fakes & Politics, Bobby & Kamila, Beyond Opioids, MRI study of Psilocybin

Listen to Future News #75

Now that US national politics is heating up, so are the cheap fakes being made of the candidates, making them heroic, silly, smart, stupid, you name it.  Just for cheap fakes and poltitics and off you go.  We discuss this a bit and look at what can be done.  And since are politics up, Bobby reveals to us his encounters with Kamila Harris, when she was Attorney General in Californa. 

Kamila Harris and Bobby Wilder

Opiods have been a serious issue for some time and there is some relief in the form of alternative pain drugs soon to hit the market.  And in a study of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, researchers have disovered more detail and how they may work, with the help of MRI imaging of the subject’s brains as they are tripping.  Enjoy! 

An MRI study finds that psilocybin can enhance neuroplasticity


Interview - Pundit Michael Sammet on the Jan 6 Capitol Insurrection Hearings

Listen Now to Michael Sammet

The US Capitol hearings investigating the Jan 6 2021 insurrection are underway and just may have as much import as the Watergate hearings of the 1970’s.  Our guest, college prof Michael Sammet, strongly feels that way, and has been tracking the hearings, play by play, as if they were a cross between a hot Neflix series and an important sports match. Michael argues that our American democracy is at stake, that there is nothing more important than the peaceful transfer of power, and that hearings make it clear that Trump was doing everything to stay in power. Political Shakespeare..One listener texted, “Really great guest! He did a masterful job in summarizing the hearings. I’ve been watching every one.”

The Futures at KSCO with guest Michael Sammet


Interview - Gabrielle Cianfrani on the Future of Politics

Listen Now to Gabrielle Cianfrani

The future of politics? Does politics even have a future? From a deeply political Pennsylvania family, Gabrielle has a unique view of politics from the inside view of a Senator’s daughter, and as someone who  at first genuinely believed that our political system served the people. But after many years of serving as a legislative assistant to the head state democratic finance manager, she now believes campaign finance rerform should be front and center in any political future worth living. Special interest lobbies without massive financing evens the playing field. And the power of govenment returns to the interests of the constituency.

And the Internet? Consider that computer networks can easily be perfect socialists when it comes to distributing the wealth. And beyond that, enjoy the show!


Political Commentary - Pundit Dave Spencer, founder of Practically Republican and member of the Rockefeller Family

Listen Now to Dave Spencer 

In this election year we need voices that can lead us to a better future, more than ever. Dave Spencer founded Practically Republican to create a forum where pragmatic, levelheaded GOP supporters can make their voices heard at a time when divisiveness, anger and rhetoric dominate the party platform. 

Dave’s Journey towards practical politics was partially shaped by his background.  Born in New Your as a member of the Rockefeller family, he grew up around a culture of political interest and involvement by being in a family that is considered to be one of the most powerful families in the history of the United States.

On Dr. Future he discusses the latest Presidential debate, the current balance of control in the Senate and House, whether a business man should run the government, solutions to the national debt, immigration, and terroisism issues, Supreme Court nominees, cutting taxes for the middle class, social security solutions, and government-owned cryptocurrency.  Enjoy!



Future News and Discussion - Election Issues, The Candidates Views on Science and Technology, Space News 

Listen Now to Future News 6.8.2016

A big primary day for us in California, and the main topic of our conversation today.  Mrs. Future had some issues at her polling station which we discuss, and we delve more deeply into the views of the candidates when it comes to Science and Technology.  There is also some Space News, including the deploying of an inflatable module on the Space Station, the beginning of hotels in space!  Enjoy..