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Entries in Gabrielle Cianfrani (8)


48 Future Now - Peregrine's Fiery End, Growing New Teeth Breakthrough, Medium Wendy Freeman Connects your Higher Self, Gabrielle and Billy Sunshine on an Abundance Economy and the Psychedelic Renaissance

The exciting  news this week is promising research showing we can grow new teeth later on in life! This is possible thanks to an antibody that can disrupt what’s known as the USAG-1 protein, in a way that allows the growth of new teeth while remaining healthy. Bobby Wilder gives us the download on this milestone of progress.  
Medium Wendy FreemanFeeling like there’s more to you than you are experiencing, a ‘higher self’ ready to serve you? You may be right, and if medium Wendy Freeman has anything to say about it, more people than ever will be making such contact this year, leading to a better reality for us all. After all, what are we here for?
We complete today’s show with our favorite talk show guest host colleagues, Billy Sunshine and Gabrielle Cianfrani.  Today we look at the Iowa Caucus, immigration, an abundance model for the economy, safety nets, negotiation strategies, and considerations for implementing psychedelic medicines into our health care system. Enjoy!
Our guest co-hosts, Bobby Wilder, Billy Sunshine, and Gabrielle Cianfrani

43 Future Now Show - Interview with Kathryn Saari on social engineering local politics,Elon Musk/Alex Jones on X on evolution, bacteria improves mental health, microbiome affects moods, Billy Sunshine/Gabrielle Cianfrani check in from Key West, Mystery Origins of elements beyond the Periodic Table,Titantic sunk by fire?, Jimmy Stewart's voice resurrected for story telling!  

Listen Now to The Future Now Show 12.12.2023

Activist Kathryn Saari checks in, reminding us of how important it is to connect directly with our elected Kathryn Saari practicing ‘social engineering’ at Santa Cruz City Councilrepresentatives locally, such as our city council members.  Even though many city councils are now online, including ours in Santa Cruz County, it is much more impactful to actually attend the meetings and engage our representatives in person, especially if you are a beautiful woman.  (I made that last part up). Kathryn also suggests we stay on top of the county’s interest in automotive license plate readers and their potential abuses. 

This week Alex Jones was re-admitted to Twitter, er, X. after a multi-year ban, and Elon speaks to him directly on X Spaces, a truly epic conversation! We have a link and excerpt for you, with some deconstructions of the significance of this group voice chat. 

Also, our regular irregular caller/guests Billy Sunshine and Gabrielle Cianfrani check in from their resort party pad in the Key West,  Florida with their ‘report’ on what’s going on there with them.And if you like Jimmy Stewart you may love or possibly hate his resurrection for narrating a ‘sleep’ story.  We give you a sample that is ‘spookily’ effective.  Was the Titantic sunk by fire as well as ice?  New evidence suggests yes! And other new evidence suggests that our microbiome directly affects our moods.. pass the microbes! ..enjoy!


36 Future Now Show - Galactic Sonification, Coffee, Adaptogenic Fungi, and the Big U, with Guests Gabriel Cianfrani and Paul Gotel

Listen Now to #36 Future Now Show

Listening to the cosmos has never been so much fun or interesting!  With advancements in sensor technology and computing power, we can now use our ears to tune into the universe like never before! In our explorations of the sonic universe, you’ll hear a black hole, a stellar nursery, and the planets in motion of the Trappist-1 solar system, 40 light years away..

Gabrielle at sunset on Skyline with Al & Sun

Jersey Grrrl Gabrielle makes a brief appearance in the studio today, mostly chatting about boutique coffee in combination with adaptogenic mushrooms..She’s formulated a new product along these lines via her company, Boardwalk Beans.

Our main studio guest, author Paul Gotel, brings some engaging concepts and practical suggestions towards creating a better reality for ourselves, in his interview about his book, “The Big U,” a guide to living large. Paul also shares details of his NEO (Near Death Experience) and what it means to him, and a recent electrifying lesson he learned with his teenage son.  Not afraid to go deep, Paul gets into all kinds of fun stuff, like loss as an act of purification, fluidity as identity, authenticity in a fully unencumbered Now, and suffering as the retention of identity.  Not for everyone, but for those who grok this kind of thing, it’s great, enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell, Paul Gotel


Dr.Mrs. Future Show -Gamma BOAT Burster, Black Hole Burper, Ipad. AppleTV announcements, Spinlaunch success, fantastic aerial feats, asteroid mysteriously spinning faster, centrifugal coffee maker debuts.  

Listen Now to Dr.Mrs. Future Show 10.18.2022

 With special in-studio guest, Gabriel Cianfrani, today’s show starts off with a ‘burst,’ as look into the powerful gamma ray burster that lit up our skies earlier this month.  Considered huge, it was nicknammed “BOAT,” the ‘Biggest Of All Time’. We are fortunate that it happened in a galaxy far far away..   We also take a look at the mysterious ‘burp’ of  starstuff, emitted by a supermassive black hole.  Supposedly nothing escapes the event horizon of a black hole, but somehow, remnants of a devoured star did..We wonder why..

Apple Computer had some special announcements today, so our Apple geek, Taylor Barcroft, is in the studio to inform us of the updates in the latest iPads and Apple TV’s. We then delve into several stories involving ‘spin,’ such as the successful Spinlaunch space launches, the ever spinning faster asteroid, and centrifugal coffee.  Callers brought up some amazing aerial stories, such as that of DB Cooper’s plane hijacking, David Blain’s balloon trip, and Col. Terry’s spin on a socio-Ukrainian hot button. Enjoy!

The Futures with guest Gabriel Cianfrani


Digging a little deeper into the Covid-19 Pandemic

Listen Now to Digging Deeper into Covid-19

The current health pandemic is ramping up and so are we with our unique expanded coverage of this viral phenomenon.  Our intrepid band of evolutionary agents think outside of the box to  ask and attempt to answer a lot of questions about what is happening, and what to expect in the very near future. 

With the help of Gabrielle Cianfrani, Bobby Wilder, and Dr. Dan Bielen we question the militarization of the virus, explore how it spreads, what our local communities are planning, how teleconferencing will be more social, look at means of mitigation of the symptoms via Vitamin C, selenium, oil of oregano, vitamin D3, CBD, liquorice root and other alternative treatments.

Our callers wonder what’s up with the run on toliet paper andBobby Wilder bleach at the big box stores and are curious about some of the conspiracy theories surrounding the virus.  And then there are those who have turned the DNA sequence of the virus into a musical experience..and we are still looking for a good virus whisperer! 


From the way things are unfolding it appears we will all be changing our daily lifestyle for at least the next couple of months, to cope with this microscopic organism.  We hope you find our perspectives and info helpful in your life. Let us know if there is anything you’d like us to cover/investigate  for upcoming shows.


Gabrielle Cianfrani