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Entries in paul gotel (3)


36 Future Now Show - Galactic Sonification, Coffee, Adaptogenic Fungi, and the Big U, with Guests Gabriel Cianfrani and Paul Gotel

Listen Now to #36 Future Now Show

Listening to the cosmos has never been so much fun or interesting!  With advancements in sensor technology and computing power, we can now use our ears to tune into the universe like never before! In our explorations of the sonic universe, you’ll hear a black hole, a stellar nursery, and the planets in motion of the Trappist-1 solar system, 40 light years away..

Gabrielle at sunset on Skyline with Al & Sun

Jersey Grrrl Gabrielle makes a brief appearance in the studio today, mostly chatting about boutique coffee in combination with adaptogenic mushrooms..She’s formulated a new product along these lines via her company, Boardwalk Beans.

Our main studio guest, author Paul Gotel, brings some engaging concepts and practical suggestions towards creating a better reality for ourselves, in his interview about his book, “The Big U,” a guide to living large. Paul also shares details of his NEO (Near Death Experience) and what it means to him, and a recent electrifying lesson he learned with his teenage son.  Not afraid to go deep, Paul gets into all kinds of fun stuff, like loss as an act of purification, fluidity as identity, authenticity in a fully unencumbered Now, and suffering as the retention of identity.  Not for everyone, but for those who grok this kind of thing, it’s great, enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell, Paul Gotel


16_Future Now - JWST finds copious water around mysterious comet, Final Cut Pro on iPad, Gama Waves Counter Depression, Author Paul Gotel on Humans 3.0

Listen to Future Now 5.16.2023

 It looks like the M1 & M2 iPads Pro and Air will support full Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro audio/video editing soon, another sign of how tablets are rapidly replacing laptops as the workhorse of personal computing. Our Apple guy, Taylor Barcroft gives us the update, as well as what to expect at Apple’s WWDC conference, coming up next month.  In Space News, the JWST checks out an asteroid belt comet that has lots of water and does not appear to come from where most comets arise. While closer to home a mysterious ultra low frequency noise has been detected in our atmosphere..While inside our heads a new study found that resotring certain signals in the brain that process smell can counter depression. Gamma signals in the olfactory bulb can alter emotions!

Our guest this week, visionary Paul GotelFor most of the show today we feature visionary explorer/DJ/ author/ speaker Paul Gotel and his concept of “Humans 3.0,” a vibrant, healthy, abundant view of humanity, and how we get there. His book is called, “The Big U - A guide to Self Revolution,” a guidebook offered to anyone who is “tired of living small” and is ready to “take the big step to revolutionize their life.”    And considering that both myself and Mrs. Future have been on global adventures with Paul to amazing places like UK crop circles and pyramids in Egypt, we whole heartedly appreciate his insights into the nature of how best to create a magical existence for us all on Earth while we are here. Enjoy!



Interview - Paul Gotel on his book "The Big U: A Guide to Self-Revolution."

Listen Now to Paul Gotel

As an old adage suggests, “if you want to get something done, do it yourself.” And when it comes to our own self evolvement, this seems to be particulary true.  As a kind of real-world Indiana Jones, having checked out the magic and mysteries of 82 countries so far, he shares his world view wisdom with us, addressing some of the big questions, like

Who am I, really?
Why am I here?
And whats the purpose of it all?
Are you ready for a Self Revolution?
If you are, look within..

But you might try listening to this interview with Paul first! Enjoy..

Paul Gotel, author of ‘The Big U: A Guide to Self-Revolution”