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Entries in virus (2)


Interview - Dr. Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics, Health, and the Virus as a Thumb Drive

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Lipton On The Dr. Mrs. Future Show

Back from 6 months in New Zealand during this Covid crisis, Dr. Lipton explores some of his favorite topics in relation to the virus and mind/body communications.  He characterizes a virus, for example, as equivalent to a thumb drive, not something that is alive, but a mechansim for inserting information into a cell.  During the course of our interview, we look at the Human Genome Project and Big Pharma interests,  resonant biological fields, telepathy, the Matrix as being more a documentary than fiction, electromagnetics and health. 

A masterful communicator, Bruce weaves many stories into a comprehensive meta-story of our times, with  the power of our consciousness to evolve our genes and behavior leading the way.  Enjoy!

EXTRA BONUS - Listen to Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Joel Wallach on Epigenetics on KSCO’s Saturday Morning Special 9.19.20 with MZ and The Futures!

L-R Dr.Mrs.Future with Dr. Bruce Lipton at KSCO


Digging a little deeper into the Covid-19 Pandemic

Listen Now to Digging Deeper into Covid-19

The current health pandemic is ramping up and so are we with our unique expanded coverage of this viral phenomenon.  Our intrepid band of evolutionary agents think outside of the box to  ask and attempt to answer a lot of questions about what is happening, and what to expect in the very near future. 

With the help of Gabrielle Cianfrani, Bobby Wilder, and Dr. Dan Bielen we question the militarization of the virus, explore how it spreads, what our local communities are planning, how teleconferencing will be more social, look at means of mitigation of the symptoms via Vitamin C, selenium, oil of oregano, vitamin D3, CBD, liquorice root and other alternative treatments.

Our callers wonder what’s up with the run on toliet paper andBobby Wilder bleach at the big box stores and are curious about some of the conspiracy theories surrounding the virus.  And then there are those who have turned the DNA sequence of the virus into a musical experience..and we are still looking for a good virus whisperer! 


From the way things are unfolding it appears we will all be changing our daily lifestyle for at least the next couple of months, to cope with this microscopic organism.  We hope you find our perspectives and info helpful in your life. Let us know if there is anything you’d like us to cover/investigate  for upcoming shows.


Gabrielle Cianfrani