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Entries in interview (10)


26 Future Now Show - On the Road Interview - Catherine Miller on Passionate Living in Buffalo, NY

Listen Now to Catherine Miller

This week we find ourselves in Buffalo, NY where we speak with TV  producer Catherine Miller about social media censorship, serving the highest good, empathetic conflict resolution, working with today’s youth, and her hallmark show, Passionate Living, devoted to showing how people heal and help  each other in communities across the nation and around the world.  We think you’ll find her very engaging, one of those persons whom, if you know her, you love her. You will also meet Rifat, her media assistant, who asks some questions about today’s sexuality issues towards the end. Enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell with Catherine Miller at Niagara Falls


Interview - Feature Filmmaker Brett Leonard on how the Metaverse can heal our global family

Listen Now to filmmaker Brett Leonard on how the Metaverse can heal our global  human family

What will it take to move humanity from the tailspin we appear to be experiencing?  The forces that divide us seem very powerful and we feel the tension all around us..yet…is it possible that we can reflect the better angels of our nature,  perhaps with the help of better stories that we tell to each other, stories perhaps that empower us to be kinder and more loving.  

Brett shares with us some of his thoughts and ideas on how the immersive interactive media of the metaverse can embody positive change in a way never before possible, with AI helping us activate group minds,  transcend our differences and bring us to understanding who we are as connected global humans. There are new concepts of the future to grasp, like Medical Immersive environMents or MIMs, for healing psychological trauma, DAOs, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, and ‘Narrative Magnets,’magnetizing people to different story tropes.  After listening to Brett, and you want to know more, check out the podcast, What the F*** is the Metaverse?, an audio podcast created by himself and his millennial son, Shannon, also deeply engaged with new media and the metaverse. Enjoy!

Brett Leonard expounding on the Metaverse


Interview - Joseph Jacques, co-founder and director of Harmonic Humanity - Empowering the Homeless

Listen Now to Joeseph Jacques

Joseph Jacques has been living his dream of living a life of magic and music by helping the homeless population lift themselves out of addiction and poverty. How does that work, you might ask.  By working with recording artists, both known and unfamiliar, to create CD mixes that can be sold by the homeless population to raise money. And if they are interested they can go further by working with Jacques on his Joseph Cambell/Jean Houston/Ken Wilbur inspired program of self-discovery, key to raising oneself out of despair and hopelessness. Joseph is truly an inspired individual offering a new solution to an endemic problem. Enjoy!

Joseph Jacque in the KSCO studio with an appreciative Mrs. Future


Interview - Jeff Peters on Surviving the CZU Lighting Complex Wildfire

This last week my brothers and I went on a little field trip to check out one of our Boulder Creek neighborhoods that had been devastated by the CZU lightning complex wildfire this last August and September in the Santa Cruz Mountains, very close to our home.  We visited Pinecrest Drive an area not far from Big Basin Vineyards, where my friend Bradley Brown lost his beautiful home to the wild fire.

We were stunned at what we found. It looked like  what I imagined a nuclear blast could do. Buildings completely leveled, leaving nothing but ash and debris, molecules that was once someone’s precious belongings. While exploring the area we were intercepted by a guy in a big truck asking what we were doing here, assuming that we were ‘looky loos’, here to check out the sights, or in this case, loss of sites, just rubble where once stood rustic mountain homes.

After assuring the driver that we were not the droids he thought we were, we found out that he was a local who had lost his beautiful home and belongings. Before long a couple of other locals arrived and My brothers and I had an opportunity to find out more exactly how it all came down in the Pinecrest neighborhood, and how the residents and the authorities have been dealing with this profound local disaster.  It’s quite a story with many implications, especially for of us living in wild fire threatened mountain neighborhoods.
So I thought we’d share it with you. Our guest today is Jeff Peters,  a software engineer who had lived in his dream home with his family for 21 years. Jeff shares the heartbreaking yet hopeful fire story of his family and neighbors, as they grappled with a massive wild fire bearing down on their homes and lives.
Jeff Peters and what is left of his dream home

Interview - Andrew Cameron Bailey & Connie Baxter Marlow on Consciousness, Climate, and Country!

Listen Now to Andrew and Connie 7.23.2019

Dynamic evolutionary intelligence agents on the road across the country, Andrew and Connie share with us their new books and memes for creating a better narrative for us all; from what it means to being an American, or a human on this planet at this time.

Our interview ranges from their latest book on the first 54 years of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower (The Mayflower Revelations) and their amazing relationship with the Native Americans with whom they interacted, to their tome on the Trust Frequency with the interactive living Universe, to a pragmatic community building design that is both a home to people and a factory for removing carbon dioxide from the air and converting it to useful compounds like cement.  We cover a lot a ground, enjoy!

Andrew and Connie on The Dr. Mrs. Future Show at KSCO