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Entries in Brett Leonard (6)


Interview - Feature Filmmaker Brett Leonard on how the Metaverse can heal our global family

Listen Now to filmmaker Brett Leonard on how the Metaverse can heal our global  human family

What will it take to move humanity from the tailspin we appear to be experiencing?  The forces that divide us seem very powerful and we feel the tension all around us..yet…is it possible that we can reflect the better angels of our nature,  perhaps with the help of better stories that we tell to each other, stories perhaps that empower us to be kinder and more loving.  

Brett shares with us some of his thoughts and ideas on how the immersive interactive media of the metaverse can embody positive change in a way never before possible, with AI helping us activate group minds,  transcend our differences and bring us to understanding who we are as connected global humans. There are new concepts of the future to grasp, like Medical Immersive environMents or MIMs, for healing psychological trauma, DAOs, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, and ‘Narrative Magnets,’magnetizing people to different story tropes.  After listening to Brett, and you want to know more, check out the podcast, What the F*** is the Metaverse?, an audio podcast created by himself and his millennial son, Shannon, also deeply engaged with new media and the metaverse. Enjoy!

Brett Leonard expounding on the Metaverse


Interview - Filmmaker Brett Leonard on the Covid Virtualization of Hollywood

Listen Now to Brett Leonard

Our guest is Brett Leonard, Hollywood film director, producer and music video director specializing in the science fiction and horror genres. A few of his films such as The Lawnmower Man (1992) and Virtuosity (1995) feature groundbreaking computer animation and visual effects. The Lawnmower Man is considered the first, seminal film to feature “virtual reality” as a cautionary tale becoming the number one commercially successful independent film of 1992

Brett Leonard tells us how the entertainment industry is being impacted by Covid-19, and his work in creating a safe secure alternative film-making environments. There is an inflection point of change right now, of what human work and intimacy means as we go more and more into cyberspace.

We have an opportunity to redefine who we are, of how we can create a more perfect union, and define the next chapter of the story of America, freedom and the world.  Brett speaks of world building, creating a virtual uptopia rather than a Skynet dystopia with our technology, and it is a great time for personal contemplation, with media  as a reflection to us of our own consciousness. Enjoy!




Future News -Initial WWDC and E3 Report, Lots of Space News, including UAE/NASA Mars alliance, Fires in Space. Update from Director Brett Leonard on latest projects including Virtual Reality Open Source Metaverse

Listen Now to Future News 6.14.2016

This week we are on the road to LA, with many events on the agenda, including VR at E3.  Most fun so far was a big party sponsorted by Upload VR at the old stock exchange building in LA, replete with demos from over a dozen companies creating Virtual Reality Content. It was quite crowded and it paid to be there early.  We were.. Also, lots of space news this week, from discovering new planets so close to the their suns that they are losing their atmosphere to the United Arab Emirates teaming up with NASA for Space Exploration.  We also found the remote watery graveyard for space junki on earth to be quite fascinating. 

Film Director and media pioneer Brett Leonard gives us an update on his media projects, including a 360 video project in the royal palace of Denmark, and the latest in open source VR.

Very exciting and we look forward to sharing it all with you!

giant planet PTFO8-8695b, which is believed to orbit a star in the constellation Orion every 11 hours. Gravity from the young star appears to be pulling away the outer layers of the Jupiter-like planet.


Interview/Discussion with Brett & Shannon Leonard, father/son filmmakers

Listen Now to Brett and Shannon Leonard

Join us as we explore the future of filmmaking and media as delve into virtual reality movies and ‘story worlders’ with the father/son team that is pioneering this realm of human creativity.  Unlike most shows, we even spend some time looking at politics and how well the candidates use social media for their campaigns.  Our conversation on Trump spawned some controversy with our audience.  Brett and Shannon also give us their review of the latest Star Wars film (no spoilers), thoughts on future money, like cryptocurrency, and new forms of democracy involving algorhythmic decision-making.   Enjoy!!

Filmmakers Brett and Shannon Leonard



Future News - Maker Faire 2015, AOL/Verizon merger, Ceres Mystery Lights update, Autonomous Car Accidents, an in-game Death Sentence for Hacker, Armed Forces Operation Jade Helm, with special guest mediamakers Shannon and Brett Leonard

Listen Now to Future News 5.12.2015

Lots of juicy Future News this week, and to help us with commentary we have mediamakers Brett Leonard in the studio!  We look at the implications of the AOL/Verizon merger, the latest on the strange lights from dwarf planet Ceres, the interesting world of autonomous cars and the latest reported accidents from Google, the new amazing Occulus VR head gear and how media interpenetrates our experience of reality, death in Cyberspace, and the very curious massive US domestic military operation, Jade Helm, coming this summer.. Enjoy the show!

U.S. Military Operation Jade Helm