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Entries in interview (10)


Interview - Sandy Stone, artist, author, audio engineer, mediaspace designer, transgender pioneer, grandmother

Listen Now to Sandy Stone 

The problem with titles is that they never quite catch the essence of a  person, providing only a general roadmap of the territory ahead.  And perhaps that’s all we need right now, as once  you click the above Listen Now button, you will be in the studio with Sandy and us, as we dip a toe into students, sex and robots, electronically talking with the dead, new media creations, transgender transitions, Austin and Santa Cruz lifestyles. Nuff said, enjoy!   

L-R The Futures (Al & Sun Lundell) with Sandy Stone


Interview - Jil Love, ARTivism, and the New Love Revolution

Listen Now to Jil Love

What do you get when you combine high art with political activism? With Jil Love you get ‘artivism’, powerful artistic statements that have meaning to those who experience it  And in Jil’s case, her art involves the use of her beautiful body, whicih really gets people’s attention, a system interrupt to a higher awareness. 

Jil often chooses universal  issues for her ARTivisim actions, human rights, animal rights, clean air and water, striking a chord with audiences around the world. We speak with her about her actions, why she does them and what’s next. And with revolution and change, what does love have to do with it?  Enjoy listening to Jil Love!


Future News and Interview with Steveanne Auerbach aka Dr. Toy

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 7.29.14

To more appreciate the breadth and depth of Dr. Steveanne Auerbach’s  profound wisdom on Toys, we dedicated all but the first segment of the show for our interview with her.  

Dr. Toy, Stevanne Auerbach, PhD, has been for many years one of the nation’s and world’s leading experts on play, toys, and children’s products. 

She has come to our KSCO studios to chat about all things toy.  We had a lot of fun!



Guest - Physicist Poet Dr. Len Anderson

We had a an opportunity to meet Len Anderson last weekend and had a very stimulating conversation on physics and art and various other sundry topics.. simply delightful!  To make a long story short, we invited him to our show this week to share him with you, including his unique Science meets Art poetry.
Len Anderson has a BA and PhD in Physics from UC Berkeley.  He worked for four years in experimental elementary particle physics and nearly 16 years at Measurex Corporation (now part of Honeywell), developing sensors for the automation of paper manufacturing.  He and his wife have lived in Live Oak since 1998.

Len has been writing poetry since 1985 and has studied with Richard Maxwell, Robert Bly, Joseph Stroud, Joseph McNeilly and Sally Ashton.  His work has appeared in a variety of literary journals, anthologies and other publications.  He is a winner of the Dragonfly Press Poetry Competition, the Mary Lönnberg Smith Poetry Award (Cabrillo College), has received a Pushcart nomination from The DMQ Review, and was awarded the 2011 Award for Outstanding Literary Achievement from Dragonfly Press.  He has published two collections of poems, Invented by the Night (2011) and Affection for the Unknowable(2003), both from Hummingbird Press. He has also published a chapbook,BEEP: A Version of the History of the Personal Computer Rendered in Free Verse in the Manner of Howl by Allen Ginsberg.


Google Takeover Plans, 17 Billion Earths to be Discovered In Milky Way, Interview- Mystic Chemist - Albert Hofmann and his Discovery of LSD

The Boston Bombing is still news, and we cover our pov on this impactful event, including where tech worked and failed in the investigative process.  As Google expands their fiber networks to more and more cities, we explore how all this massive impact will change the landscape of high tech players. Meanwhile NASA is finding new places for us to go and explore, once we figure out how..
And back on Earth, there is a renaissance of sorts that is happening in the world of medicinal psychedelics.  After 40 years of legislative prohibition, the noose on serious psychedelic research is starting to loosen with many new studies in their efficacy for treating issues like narcotic drug addictions, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and deep depression.
Our guest this week is Swiss author Dieter Hagenbach, co-author (with Lucius Werthmuller) of the just published book, Mystic Chemist, about the life and discovery of LSD, in the Swiss labs of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, back in 1938.  Not just the average biochem geek, Hoffman’s spiritual nature helped shape his explorations of this most powerful mind change agent, and spawn a new generation of turned on youth.
And now that that first psychedelic generation of the 1960’s are grandparents, we see a return to basic therapetuic and medical research, back to where it all began in Switzerland, 70 years ago.
We had a chance to interview both authors of Mystic Chemist at the Psychedelic Science 2013 conference in Oakland a few days ago, where we go into more detail than what could be done on the air.  You also have a chance to meet Lucius Werthmuller, co-author with Dieter Hagenbach  of this amazing book.   This more in depth interview can be heard  by clicking here:
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