65 Future Now Podcast - Auroras and Special Report- Gabrielle challenges Meta.ai and ChatGPT 4o in understanding the true nature of Reality itself. Guess who is more aware?
Listen Now to Gabrielle challenging the AIs
This show takes the cake when it comes to more unusual content for us. It started with our correspondent Gabrielle Cianfrani asking Meta.ai a ‘simple’ question before bed, “I’ve been thinking lately that we are just pure consciousness experiencing itself, what do you think about that?” And Meta.ai did a decent job in answering, “What a profound and intriguing perspective! The idea that we are pure consciousness experiencing itself is a philosophical and metaphysical concept that has been explored in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. This notion suggests that our essence is not solely bound to our physical bodies or minds, but rather we are an expression of a universal, all-encompassing consciousness.”
Gabrielle naturally, took the AI to task, nudging it to go even deeper, by responding, “I think that any time I am not present, truly present, that I am not pure consciousness experiencing itself. I believe that it is consciousness playing a game, a theater, an act. I think that past and future create suffering because they take us away from The only thing that we really know is real which is this moment right now.” How did Meta respond to that? Tune in! Enjoy..
Future News and Commentary with Open Lines - Today's topics - AI, E.T.'s, Drug Discovery and Sports Trading Cards, Citizen Scientists and Alexa, The Free Money Experiment in Stockton, Mrs. Future on ALT Economies, Gold vs Digital currencies
Listen Now to Future News and Commentary 3.09.2021
This week we start with space news, and then, thanks in part to our callers, we move to a dynamic discussion on Digital vs Gold. Showdown?AI’s and their use in finding everything from E.T. to new uses for old drugs, never mind evaluating the value of collectible sports cards. This leads to a more in depth discussions on the the changing nature of money, the free money project in Stockton, Mrs. Future’s experiments with an alternative economy, and digital vs gold currencies in this day and age. With Dr.Mrs. Future and Bobby Wilder. Enjoy!