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Entries in spatial web (1)


Interview - Dan Mapes, tech visionary, Founder of and The Spatial Web Foundation integrating Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and a Thriving Planet.

Listen Now to Dan Mapes

Those of us creating this radio show owe some of our acumen of the future to Dan Mapes, a techno shamanic visionary that influenced us all back in the early days of the internet, helping us push the boundaries of what was possible with the relatively primitive tools we had back in the 90’s, with dial-upmodems and low rez graphics.  With Dan around we felt we could not just see the future, but create it, inhabiting the first virtual worlds, editing video on home computers, using the tech to create an abundant global economy while improving the health of our home planet.

Now, a quarter century later, much of what we have envisioned is just coming to pass. In this interview, Dan brings us up to date with how the internet is evolving from a document server to serving spaces and places, how AI will enhance our awareness and intelligence, how evolution is speeding up, and our species gift is adaptibility to change. And soon, with 10 billion humans highly connected with quantum computers and pocket smart phones, we can solve any problem that arises and elevate ourselves to beyond survivial for our species. A Harvard level education will be normal for all, we’ll own our own data, and everyone will have a basic universal income.  Sound fantastical? Think again, as a Star Trek universe is rapidly unfolding, even as the old world crumbles, becoming fodder for the new world. This phoenix from the ashes story, according to Dan, is not just a story but reality.  Too good to be true?..check it out for yourself, enjoy..