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Interview - Ethan Summers and Anne-Marie Napoli on HubX and Almost Human

Listen Now to Ethan and Anne-Marie on HUBx and Almost Human

HubX  is a new kind of media lab - a place to imagine the future.  Located in downtown Santa Cruz, California, the hub is a creative space where people of all ages can explore exciting new and immersive technologies like VR, Interactive Media, AI, Simulation Art, and Audio Design. At the intersection of science, technology and art - they are focused on empowering people with tools to visualize and invent the future. 

We speak with HUBx and the mysterious Almost Human founders, Ethan Summers and Anne-Marie Napoli about what’s happening so far with their endeavors and their vision for what’s happening next.

Ethank Summers and Anne-Marie Napoli speak of HubX and Almost Human