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Future News and Discussion of Music and AI with Dr. Eliot Handelman and Andie Sigler

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 7.15.14

For this show we have broken with tradition and combined our news segment with the interview, by inviting the guests to be part of the news commentary.  Both Andie Sigler and Eliot Handelman are experienced with radio and we thought we’d take advanatage of that and their intelligence to create an interesting and dynamic show. 

We explore news items like an on/off switch for consciousness, a smart cam for fingers, and new radio bursts from beyond our galaxy. As far as the MIT vs McGill shananigans Eliot mentions…well…you decide..

For the second half, we focus on Eliot and Andie’s ongoing work with music and computers, especially the intersection of music and AI. A verfy dynamic conversation we where explore what is possible and what is pragmatically possible.  

The show was recorded live at a sunny loft in Montreal, Quebec, with visiting Casey James Basichis, a music composer for the Cartoon Network, brainstorming with Eliot and Andie on an AI music composer software project.



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