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Future News - Japanese Drone Fleet, Full-sized Electric Plane, The Drone Solution to MH17, New Hacker Movie, Jaguar's Ultra Fun Augmented Driving, and our almost famous John Monahan and callers on Rock and Religion

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We are back from Canada, in the KSCO studios with lots tales to regale you with, including an innovative solution to the unfortunate Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 debacle.  Algorhythm, a cool Bay Area film on hacking where you shouldn’t is in our links session, and in our second hour we continue our ongoing conversation on the evolution of music, this time, with a little help from local artist John Monahan, a look at the 60’s, with themes of love and musicians rose to the status of Rock Gods.  

Jaguar’s Augmented Reality Windscreen

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    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Future News - Japanese Drone Fleet, Full-sized Electric Plane, The Drone Solution to MH17, New Hacker Movie, Jaguar's Ultra Fun Augmented Driving, and our almost famous John Monahan and callers on Rock and Religion

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