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Future News & Report - Dr. Bruce Damer on Mars/Venus Origin of LIfe, Wildfire Stories, Taylor Barcroft on iPhone 12 releases, Mrs. Future on the Legalities of Medical Lockdowns.

Listen Now to Future News & Report with Dr. Bruce Damer, Taylor Barcroft, Mrs. Future 10.13.2020

For the first time in several years, Dr. Bruce Damer is in the studio with the Futures, giving his insights on the latest reports on finding life on our neighboring planets. Most intriguing is his notion of the fundamental algorhythm of life itself, something shared by all living organsims. 

And Mrs. Future gives us an update on the laws regarding public health policy. She looks at how to we go forward with respect to people who are fearful, but with more respect for our freedoms and laws. She also brings up the Great Barrington Resolution. Enjoy.


Interview - Dan Mapes, tech visionary, Founder of and The Spatial Web Foundation integrating Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and a Thriving Planet.

Listen Now to Dan Mapes

Those of us creating this radio show owe some of our acumen of the future to Dan Mapes, a techno shamanic visionary that influenced us all back in the early days of the internet, helping us push the boundaries of what was possible with the relatively primitive tools we had back in the 90’s, with dial-upmodems and low rez graphics.  With Dan around we felt we could not just see the future, but create it, inhabiting the first virtual worlds, editing video on home computers, using the tech to create an abundant global economy while improving the health of our home planet.

Now, a quarter century later, much of what we have envisioned is just coming to pass. In this interview, Dan brings us up to date with how the internet is evolving from a document server to serving spaces and places, how AI will enhance our awareness and intelligence, how evolution is speeding up, and our species gift is adaptibility to change. And soon, with 10 billion humans highly connected with quantum computers and pocket smart phones, we can solve any problem that arises and elevate ourselves to beyond survivial for our species. A Harvard level education will be normal for all, we’ll own our own data, and everyone will have a basic universal income.  Sound fantastical? Think again, as a Star Trek universe is rapidly unfolding, even as the old world crumbles, becoming fodder for the new world. This phoenix from the ashes story, according to Dan, is not just a story but reality.  Too good to be true?..check it out for yourself, enjoy..


Future News - Superhabitable planets better than Earth, Limitless Power Possibility with Graphene, Firetracker Frank on CA fires and smoke report, Hydrogen fuel and storage, Covid legal suits.

It’s looking like we’ll have some options for planets, once we figure out how to get there, as our exo-planet scientists are discovering that of the 4500 exoplanets we know of so far, at least a couple of dozen have conditions as good as if not better than Earth for fostering biological life as we know it. And could graphene have something to do with getting there? Probably not, but it looks like some researchers have discovered how graphene can get work out of Brownian motion, something the famous physicist Richard Feynmann says wasn’t possible..but then he didn’t know about the miracle of graphene..
Firetracker Frank gives us an update on the devasting Glass fire enveloping the wine country, a hazardous smoke report, and a measurement called the ‘vapor pressure deficit,’ the sponginess of the air, and how much water the ‘air sponge’ is holding, and what this is useful to know. A couple of stories from today’s future news, enjoy!

Future News - Dakin visions, Big Martian Slushie Lakes, Firetracker Frank Schwartz on NorCal Wildfires, Plastic eating microbes to the rescue, BC Firefighters Fund, Bobby on Air Filtration, Time Travel Paradoxes Solved, Pfizer scientist speaks out on Pandemic End.

A wonderful book came out this week on the life and work of philanthropist/inventor/publisher Henry S. Dakin, a personal hero of ours, and benefactor/enabler to thousands, especially in the Bay Area of California. The book is a compilation of stories about Henry by dozens of people who knew him personally, including moi. So much of what we have today, from Citizen Diplomacy to remote viewing and interactive media can be traced to the work and times of Henry S. Dakin.
Also this week, we explore the newly found underground slushy lakes of Mars, the latest in NorCal fires, thanks to Frank Schwartz and his amazing firestracking skills, plastic-eating microbes that increase the speed of plastic breakdown from centuries to days, a Pfziser scientist who sees light at the end of the tunnel regarding the pandemic, and a mathematical breakthrough in resolving the paradoxes of time travel. Enjoy..

Future News - Battery Day on Planet Earth, Tim Welch on Freedom Concert in Santa Cruz, COVID-19 Management with Dr. Paul Marik, Wildfire Control Brainstorm, Venusian/ Black Hole Updates 

Listen Now to The Dr.Mrs. Future Show 9.22.2020

Hey, it was Battery Day today and Bobby Wilder gives us a little update on Elon’s latest announcement.  And in Santa Cruz, a lot of folks are fed up with the virus restrictions and are staging a concert to open up the town. Organizer Tim Welch is here to tell us all about it. And for our medical geek listeners, you’ll enjoy the info from the front lines of two docs who have been treating COVID-19 patients and have posted a very clear, easy-to-grok timeline of the virus’s life cycle, and what treatments are best when.  If this interests you check out the full video in our links page, or right here.. 

We then explore some novel approaches to controlling wildfires, including sound waves and a gas nitrogen bomb. A fundraiser for our Boulder Creek Volunteer Fire Department is then discussed, with names and phone numbers for more info. 

And finally, some updates on space news regarding finding signs of life on Venus and “stupendously large black holes,” or SLABs.  They can be as large as 100 Billion star masses in size. Compare this to our very own black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, at only 4.5 million solar masses. SLABs are a new frontier for studying dark matter. Enjoy!