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Future News - Superhabitable planets better than Earth, Limitless Power Possibility with Graphene, Firetracker Frank on CA fires and smoke report, Hydrogen fuel and storage, Covid legal suits.

It’s looking like we’ll have some options for planets, once we figure out how to get there, as our exo-planet scientists are discovering that of the 4500 exoplanets we know of so far, at least a couple of dozen have conditions as good as if not better than Earth for fostering biological life as we know it. And could graphene have something to do with getting there? Probably not, but it looks like some researchers have discovered how graphene can get work out of Brownian motion, something the famous physicist Richard Feynmann says wasn’t possible..but then he didn’t know about the miracle of graphene..
Firetracker Frank gives us an update on the devasting Glass fire enveloping the wine country, a hazardous smoke report, and a measurement called the ‘vapor pressure deficit,’ the sponginess of the air, and how much water the ‘air sponge’ is holding, and what this is useful to know. A couple of stories from today’s future news, enjoy!

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