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Entries in trauma (2)


24_Future Now Show - On the Road- In Truckee, CA with designer Gingi Medina and somaticist Julia Bystrova

Listen Future Now Show in Truckee

We have begun our summer vacation! First stop is in Truckee, CA, where we caught up with organic clothing designer Gingi Medina and her beloved, Cia, at their summer cabin, near the beautiful Donner Lake, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Also on a summer adventure, our somatic therapist friend, Jewel, rendezvoused with us as well for the  first podcast of our trip.  

This has got to be one of our more dynamic shows, covering several important topics, which include  healing as an undoing process, healthy clothing, makinge anything out of anything, nature-based creation,  Building sacredness into modern communities, scaling ancient ways, Nature communications, relating to Bears, processing trauma, ancestral trauma, microdosing and accounting for misunderstandings. Whew, a lot to cover, but we think you’ll enjoy it!

L-R Gingi, Cia, Sun, Jewel


Interview - Dr. Bruce Damer on Fake News and Media Perpetrated Trauma in our Lives 

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Damer

Deviating from our usual conversations with Dr. Bruce on Origins of Life and Outer Space Explorations, we delve into the realms of fake news, media stimulation of trauma, and how we may be on a destructive path with the use of our mobile technologies.  What can we do to get back on course? What new metaphors might we use? Can we reboot in time? Enjoy!