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Entries in fake news (3)


Interview - Dr. Bruce Damer on Fake News and Media Perpetrated Trauma in our Lives 

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Damer

Deviating from our usual conversations with Dr. Bruce on Origins of Life and Outer Space Explorations, we delve into the realms of fake news, media stimulation of trauma, and how we may be on a destructive path with the use of our mobile technologies.  What can we do to get back on course? What new metaphors might we use? Can we reboot in time? Enjoy!



Future News - Report on the Nano World's Fair, Cora - Google's Autonomous Flying Taxi, Twitter's Fast Traveling Fake Stories, Believable Fake Videos and their impact on us all, the End of Scarcity  

Listen Now to Future News 3.13.2018

We had a blast at the Nano World’s Fair in San Francisco last weekend and for the first part of the show share with you some of our highlights, from the speakers to the tech and food on display. It would have been nice to see Google’s new autonomous flying taxi, Cora, at the fair!

And this week, with a new report on how fake news spreads on Twitter, and the advent of what are known as “Deep Fake” videos, we have a lively conversation with call-ins, including VR Avatar pioneer Greg Panos, on what it all means for the future of news, especially. Enjoy!


Fake News and Propaganda! What to do, what to do <yikes> !!

Listen now to Fake News and Propaganda 11.22.2016

This week we explore the topic of fake news and propoganda, from climate change to chem trails to the Kennedy assasination to our own news that happened on our watch last week, the strange super loud sonic blast above the Monterey Bay. Lots of callers chimed in as we explored this topic, with our good friend Dr. Bruce Damer adding his scientific sanity to the mix while brother Norm holds the space.  Enjoy!