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Entries in Starlink (10)


Future News - Psyche Mission Update, Starlink in Ukraine Deployment, Viral Medley, Universe in a Verse, Why Monkeys Drink, ExtraGalactic Object Declassified

Listen Now to Future News 4.12.2022

Beyond our usual hard hitting news items of the Future, we have some rather endearing humous bits to share this week, including a medley of tunes about Covid by many musical talents scattered throughout the globe. This is truly a global experience, and we are now beginning to hear about it from our many voices. Also guaranteed to bring more than a smile to your face is our discussion of a study on monkeys who willingly eat fermented fruit for science. And most curious this week is the search for a crashed space rock, just  declassified after 8 years, that may  have orginiated from beyond our local galaxy! Enjoy..

Why do monkeys eat fermented fruit?


Future News - Mrs. Future on the Presidential Inauguration Gala, Crazy Local Weather, Virgin Orbits, Solar Stamps, Streaming Stars, Starlink in Russia

Listen Now to Future News 1.20.2021

What a week for us, from crazy weather that won’t let us leave home to the Presidential Inauguration gala in Washington, D.C., and streaming stars across the Milky Way.  A somewhat abbreviated show today, and a little different, with Mrs. Future’s take on content and fashion at the D.C. Gala.  Enjoy!



Future News - Project Loon, Congressional Medical Testimony, Starlink Signup, Taylor Barcroft on big Apple News, Drone Bubble Pollinator, Axioms discovered? Dr. Dan & whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits call in from the steps of the state capitol.

UFOs over Central Valley?  Project Loon seems to be responsible, a balloon-based internet company.  Starlink is now looking for beta testers, are you one?  Drones can now pollinate flowers, using bubble makers on board! Taylor Barcroft gives us the download on the latest announcements from Apple during their WWDC week.
Noctiluminescent clouds and strange new particles called axioms from the Sun are in the news. And we speak live to Dr. Dan and medical whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits, on the steps of the state capitol about why they are there and what they hope to accomplish. Enjoy.

Future News - Starlink Activates, Dexamethasone for Virus, Solar Cycle Influences, Wireless Power, Type 1 Civilization Dyson Sphere, Virgin Orbit Test Fire, Solar on Moon, 36 Alien Species in Galaxy, Station M beneath the Pacific,Bobby Wilder update on Covid-19 Medcram info, Digless Archaeology, Hummingbird Super-Vision, Ansel Adams UCSC book

Listen Now to Future News 6.16.2020

Lots of Future News to share this amazing week in time, as we reflect and look more deeply about who we are. We are hoping we’ll make it at least to a Type I civilization, which we discuss in this show. Perhaps appreciation of hummingbirds and their UV super vision will wake us up to the bigger story in which we play. Check out our links page this week, as we discuss many of the stories there, as we head toward a very bright future, not despite, but because of the adversities that we are facing as a species. 




Future News - Drone Cliff Rescue, Electric Solar Protein not from Plants, Animals or Insects, Money Laundering for your Health, Don Davis on the Strange Behavior of Beutelgeuse, Viewing Starlink Light Trains, Finding E.T.'s Technosignature, Covid-19 Update, Local Measures Gatherings

Listen Now to Future News 2.18.2020

What a roller coaster Valentines Day weekend!  Big winds tossed our hot tub cover down a cliff, stranded 150 feet below us. Undeterred, Mrs. Future mounted an expedition to retrieve it, resulting in an epic video posted here.

In terms of Future News, a new solar protein derived from the sun, air, electricity and bacteria has been created in Finland, another potential solution to feeding the planet and reducing global pollution. Space artist and amateur astronomer Don Davis gives us an update on the erratic behavior of Betelgeuse, once one the brightest stars in the night sky, now on the road to becoming the brightest, as a supernova! He also shares some info on viewing one of the prettiest new sky attractions, the Starlink ‘light trains.’

Our science corresponent Bobby Wilder checks in with an update on the Corona Virus situation and comments on E.T.’s ‘technosignature.’  And Monica McGuire calls us with info on how we can meet and hear the candidates for local elections, coming up next month.  Enjoy!

The Star System Betelgeuse is destined to Supernova some time soon.