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« Future News - Project Loon, Congressional Medical Testimony, Starlink Signup, Taylor Barcroft on big Apple News, Drone Bubble Pollinator, Axioms discovered? Dr. Dan & whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits call in from the steps of the state capitol. | Main | Future News - This week Dr.Mrs. Future and Bobby W take on Dishwashing Robots, Energy-generating plants, Covid Ultrasonic Scanners, Fake 5G, a satellite slinging Space Centrifuge, and Fast Radio Bursts packing the power of 100 Suns. »

Future News - Starlink Activates, Dexamethasone for Virus, Solar Cycle Influences, Wireless Power, Type 1 Civilization Dyson Sphere, Virgin Orbit Test Fire, Solar on Moon, 36 Alien Species in Galaxy, Station M beneath the Pacific,Bobby Wilder update on Covid-19 Medcram info, Digless Archaeology, Hummingbird Super-Vision, Ansel Adams UCSC book

Listen Now to Future News 6.16.2020

Lots of Future News to share this amazing week in time, as we reflect and look more deeply about who we are. We are hoping we’ll make it at least to a Type I civilization, which we discuss in this show. Perhaps appreciation of hummingbirds and their UV super vision will wake us up to the bigger story in which we play. Check out our links page this week, as we discuss many of the stories there, as we head toward a very bright future, not despite, but because of the adversities that we are facing as a species. 



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