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Entries in sideroff (3)


Future Now Show - Discussing the upcoming Body and Mind Longevity Summit with hosts Drs. Stephen Sideroff and Robert Lufkin; The Mayflower Revelations and Deeper History of America's Origins with Andrew Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow

Listen to Future Now 4.18.2023

After our Future News we chat with the hosts of an upcoming conference that tackles the issue of longevity, aging, and the culprit known as inflammaging. Drs. Sideroff and Lufkin personally interviewd over 50 individuals for this summit, and much of the event can be accessed for free, April 25 - May 2, 2023.

We also speak with the newly married authors/filmmakers Andrew Bailey and Connie Baxtor Marlow about the deeper story behind the origins of America, love with a big L, and the modern emergence of what is now called “Unity consciousness.” For more info, check out their website and their books, such as “The Mayflower Revelations.”Enjoy!

Andrew Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow


Interview - Dr. Stephen Sideroff on getting back into your Groove via The Path and the Nine Pillars of Resilience

Listen Now to Dr. Stephen Sideroff

Do you know how musicans can get into a groove with each other when playing together? Well, according to Dr. Sideroff we can live the experience of life itself in a similar manner, once we master a few basic things, like becoming aware of the emotional ‘land-mines’ that can take us out of our center.  

Having worked with ‘peak perfomers,’ executives and athletes, as clients Dr. Sideroff recognized that one of the most important ingredients to success was earning the concept of flow and being in the zone.  The refer to a way of functioning in which everything is working together, in alignment.  When you are in your zone, you don’t need to think about what your doing and what you should be doing, you are just doing it.

So what takes us out of the zone?  Dr. Sideroff discusses this, introducing us to his model of the nine pillars that once mastered, take us back in the our natural flow.. After all, if we want a better future, we best start with creating a better present for ouselves!  

Enjoy our little chat with the good doctor, and if you like what you hear, consider getting his book, “The Path - Mastering the Nine Pillars of Resilience and Success.” 

Dr. Stephen Sideroff and his new book “The Path - Mastering the Nine Pillars of Resilience and Success



Interview - Dr. Stephen Sideroff on The Path -The Nine Pillars of Resiliency

Listen Now to Dr. Stephen Sideroff

Dr. Stephen Sideroff is an internationally recognized expert in behavioral medicine, optimal performance, resilience, neurofeedback and alternative approaches to stress and mental health. On today’s show heintroduces us to the basics of his new book, “The Path -The Nine Pillars of Resiliency.” Reflecting a lifetime of work, the concepts he outlines our designed to get us back in balance with ourselves, so that we can live a more fuller life and see a brighter future.  Dr. Sideroff is also an expert in addiction and is currently assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA’s School of Medicine.  And a more personal note, he was one of Dr. Future’s professors at McGill University.