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Entries in Microbes (5)


Future News - Covid-19 Updates, how Microbes communicate, Starship implodes, Space X will launch Psyche Mission, Mysterious Pit on Mars 

Listen Now to Future News 4.03.2020

Oh boy, the Covid-19 pandemic is intensifying and we all may have to adapt our lifestyles to deal with it.  Our virus tracker Bobby Wilder calls in with updates..Also check out our links page, which has virus source info which I think you’ll appreciate, such as the regularly updated Reddit virus page.  We also delve a bit into how microbes communicate with each other, using a process known as quorum sensing. Our guest for the second hour, Paul Gotel, is the studio for the news segment and shares his pov and today’s stories as well. 

Microbes use a technique known as “Quorum Sensing” to pass out orders



Future News- Uber Aggressively invests in Autonomous Vehicles and Automotive Security, New Solution to Black Hole Mystery, SCUBA like Tricorder Developed, Microbes Implicated in Mass Planetary Extinction Event, Joe Firmage's Radical Plan to Simplify the Internet 

Listen Now to Future News 9.01.2015

Welcome to September and more Future News now! What’s happening? The autonomous vehicle world heats up, Hawking offers new insights into how Black Holes may handle information, a hot new medical ‘tricorder’ makes it debut, Joe Firmage gets ready to debut a revolutionary way to evolve the internet, artifical leaves create biofuel for our machines…the unusual but expected future for the likes of us, and that is a great thing!

In our history of the future department, the story of the week revolves around the largest of this planet’s five mass planteary extinctions, the end-Permian extinction, 252 million years ago.  Three independent sets of evidence suggest that microbes were the culprit in completely changing the nature of the climate and ocean chemistry of this planet, with a little help from volcanoes. A fascinating story which we delve into in this report. Enjoy!



Interview- Larry Green, MD, Ph.D - on using Fermentation (The Bokashi Cycle) for Treating Organic Waste

Listen Now to Dr. Larry Green

Dr. Larry Green, MD,PhD is a research scientist with more then 40 years experience in problem solving in the bioscience world. He is a physician and scientist, keenly interested in finding simple yet profound solutions to common problems affecting our daily lives. 

In our show he educates us about the use of fermentation in the treatment of our kitchen waste and pet droppings.  Though known in other parts of the world, the Bokashi fermentation cycle is relatively unknown in North America.  Dr. Green would like to change this, as fermenting our waste products can create better soil for our home gardens and ornamental plants, reduce green house gases, and critters that feed on our organic waste.


Makerfaire share, Power by Microbes, Terrabytes per second, Augmented Reality, Greg Panos

LISTEN NOW Dr. Future Show 5.24.11

A fun tete-a-tete show, with Mrs. Future, Agent Nada, Dr. Future and guest Greg Panos sharing  their Maker Faire adventures, discussing the latest Fukushima coverups, generating power with Microbes, marvel at the new record-setting data rate over a laser.

Our guest Greg Panos lives at the intersection of high tech and the entertainment world of LA, and shares with us the latest in Augmented Reality, where computer-generated worlds are blended with everyday reality.  A fast-growing field, AR promises to deliver what Virtual Reality started, back in the 90’s.  


Thinking our Way out of Extinction with guest Rebecca Costa

Dr. Future 3.08.11 Rebecca Costa       Listen Now

In Dr. Future News we delve into the Internet situation in Libya, the high tech sleep behavior of Americans, alien microbes, moon caves, realistic androids, eye-controlled laptops, and a new bionic eye.

The second hour features guest Rebecca Costa, a sociobiologist whose unique expertise is to spot and explain emerging trends in relationship to human evolution, global markets, and new technologies. 

Some of the basic precepts of her popular new book, The Watchman’s Rattle, are:

Humankind’s Cultural Complexity is exceeding our biological capability…

Biology evolves slowly compared to our culture and technology.

When complexity makes facts difficult to acquire, we experience ‘Gridlock’..a paralyzed state..

When gridlock happens we resort to beliefs instead of rational solutions and system collapse is often then not far away..

So, the question is, “Can there be a non-doomsday scenario solution for our species and what might that look like?”

Click on in, find out…