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Entries in bokashi cycle (1)


Interview- Larry Green, MD, Ph.D - on using Fermentation (The Bokashi Cycle) for Treating Organic Waste

Listen Now to Dr. Larry Green

Dr. Larry Green, MD,PhD is a research scientist with more then 40 years experience in problem solving in the bioscience world. He is a physician and scientist, keenly interested in finding simple yet profound solutions to common problems affecting our daily lives. 

In our show he educates us about the use of fermentation in the treatment of our kitchen waste and pet droppings.  Though known in other parts of the world, the Bokashi fermentation cycle is relatively unknown in North America.  Dr. Green would like to change this, as fermenting our waste products can create better soil for our home gardens and ornamental plants, reduce green house gases, and critters that feed on our organic waste.