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Interview with Dr. Vivienne Ming on AI, Augmented Intelligence, Future of Jobs, Education, and What it Means to be Human

Listen Now to Dr. Vivienne Ming 10.24.2017

We met neuroscientist and entrepreneur Dr. Vivienne Ming at TEDx Berkeley this spring, immediately after her talk, loved her approach to life, the universe, and Artificial Intelligence, and it’s taken til now to schedule her for an interview.  But, as we think you’ll find, its been worth the wait.  In this interview, we touch on some of her favorite topics, such as AI, augmented intelligence, future of  education and jobs, the nature of current AIs and how they are evolving, LGBT and emotional literacy, and the future of human/machine intelligence. Big topics, not much time, but hopefully enough to get a few of your neurons firing on these life-changing topics. Enjoy..

Neuroscientist and Entrepreneur Dr. Vivienne Ming

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