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Future News- Autonomous Vehicle Update, MaraPharm Futures, Making Space Great Again

Listen Now to Future News 12.20.2016

It’s been a big week in the autonomous car world, with Uber testing in SF, Chevy’s Bolt being readied for an autonomous future on the assembly line, Fiat/Chrysler prepping 100 minivans for Google’s auto car tech, and Blackberry committing to embedded self-driving vehicle software development.  This world is moving fast!

Not to be outdone, the cannabis entrepreneurs are busy too, notably MaraPharm in Las Vegas, as they explore not just the US but Canadian markets.. Exciting times ahead!

And then there is outer space, and how to present the excitement of space to our president elect. A tall order, but a good one!  Happy Holidays, and enjoy the show!

Dr. and Mrs. Future with station engineer Billy Graf wishing you a great holiday season!


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