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Future News and special guests Brett and Shannon Leonard on The Future of Filmmaking

A new revolution in filmmaking is currently underway.  In the 90’s we saw the beginning of the transition from analog to digital technologies in all walks of life.  With cinematic storytelling, we went from editing film by cutting strips of celluloid to moving images around on the screen (non-linear editing).  We also saw the beginnings of interactive storyteling, with the introduction of CD-ROMs, the internet, and to a limited extent, virtual reality. However, it was Brett Leonard who did portray the potential of VR in the feature film The Lawnmower Man, in 1992. Now, much of what was SciFi back then is reality now, and Brett is planning to show us what’s next in a new film in development, the working title, “The Lawnmower Man - Reborn.”
The latest high def VR headsets, eye tracking technologies, high speed internet, powerful apps and realtime computer graphics animation open up whole new vistas for today’s storytellers, and Brett’s 20 year old Shannon is playing in this world.  Besides mastering the tools of this new media world (i.e. Adobe’s online production suite), Shannon has released an iPhone app based on the sensibities of the millennial generation - 10 Word News, important stories of the day via headlines of ten words. 
In this show, Brett and Shannon with The Futures will help introduce you to this brave new world of story and news telling, and the gatherings in Santa Cruz and the Bay area that helped spawn all of this..
We also have their perspectives on our Future News segment in the first hour!

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