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« Future News Now with Gabriel Cianfrani: Mercury Transits, Starlink glitters, Instagram Censor Protest, Snowden undoes Chinese Censorship, Santa Cruz and Psychedelics, Guest Alan Schaefer on improving Collaboration, Guest Mary Flodin on her eco-thriller novel, "Fruit of the Devil," Cosmic Joe on what's up in the Sky, Catnip Research, AI Discoveries from old research, Think hard and Burn Calories | Main | Future News - PGE Power Discussion, Wildfire and Outage update with Frank Schwartz, Internet 50, X-37B lands after two years in space, New Lunar Rover, Sperm in Space, Psilocybin from Bacteria, The nearby Dwarf Planet Hygieia, Exploring Dark Mater via Expanding Galaxies, Laser-Mediated Nuclear Waste Reduction via Transmutation »

Exploring the Boundaries of the Heliosphere, Senate Bill wants Search Engines to Divulge Algorithms, Jeffery A. Martin on the Upcoming TransTech Conference, Frank Schwartz on New Wildfires and the latest on the Kincaide Fire, PG&E discussion, Rats Find Driving Relaxing.  

Listen Now to Future News 11.05.2019

A series of reports have come in on the nature of the very boundaries of our solar system; we give you an update. We think you’ll also appreciate hearing about the tranformative technology conference coming up next week in Palo Alto, all about tech and people that plans to permanently move a billion people into a state of wellbeing and flourishing by 2030. We talk to the co-founder of the event, Dr. Jeffery Martin to find out how.

Also this week is a follow-up report from our firetracker, Frank Schwartz, on new wildfires, and the massive Kincaide Fire near Santa Rosa, and what we are learning from PG&E’s preventative blackouts and evacuation strategies.  And, after a rather serious discussion on this and related topics, we delve into some research on stress, where rats were trained to drive little cars. Their findings, male rats like to drive for relieving stress, go figure..Enjoy!

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