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Inventing the Holodeck, fungally created biofuel, Apple black ops, the latest adventures of Agent Nada.. 

Listen Now Dr. Future 9.6.11


It’s September, the summer is almost over, but not before we share with you the magic of our Labor Day weekend.  At half an hour into the show we have a surprise visit from Agent Nada, who regales us with tales from Harbin Hot Springs and the venerable Women’s Herbal gathering..warning..not for the strictly nerdy…she delves into female coming of age ceremonies with her daughter  that are quite heart warming..\

And geeky we do get, with our analysis of the collaboration between the SFPD and Apple Security over the lost iPhone 5, creating biofuel from organic waste via a fungal enzymes, the significance of the Starz/Netflix divorce, and this week’s cautionary tale- space junk!!


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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Mike,

>Here's a good way to ruin a great tech show:

>- call it the "Dr. Future Show", which will lead people to believe that the format of the show is >a highly educated man talking about technical developments, a potentially fascinating, must->hear show.

Dr. Future "ok, the stage is set, but just one point of clarification here...yes, we love tech and can talk endlessly about it, but the show is about all things Future- i.e. sex, politics, religion, arts and science.. "

>- let an intellectually intelligent, interesting woman (when she talks about tech) who is >unfortunately an emotional child who embraces the shallowest, most self-indulgent form of >feminism go on for an hour about how men are predators who make women feel unsafe, >while women want to dance naked to experience their joy of life, and let her spew this >garbage unchallenged.

Dr. Future "Ok, a couple of things here...we must be keying off of different things Nada was saying...I remember her reveling in her multi-generational quality connection with her daughter, sister and mother at Women's herbal as the main point of her story, showing how better communications via their experiences together leads to better family harmony. And through the eyes of her daughter she was able to reconnect with her own 12 year old self, to hold her and hug her and love her. And oh yes, her image of her "running naked in the woods with the wild turkeys" stuck in my mind..

The only negative male reference I recall her making was when I asked her about her re-entry into 'default reality', i.e. when she was returning home from the all woman event; and she made a disparaging comment about the first male they came in contact with...but from her tone, it was more of a joke, and a funny moment, not any genuine dislike of the male of our species. In real life, Nada, though very into the power of women, is a deep lover of both men and women.

I just went back and listened to our chat with Nada. The 'predator' reference was about her experience of Harbin on weekends, about there being so many more guys than gals in the tubs, not a balanced scene for her, at least..only about two sentences and she did not go on about it at all, quickly moving back to the story of her family sharing this amazing experience together and the joys of hot and cold tubs.. the tone of the conversation was all very upbeat, no ragging about men at all. "

>- don't talk about tech for a whole hour.

Dr. Future "uh, you must of been in reaction.. Nada was actuallly on the air for less than half an hour, from 2:30 to 3 p.m., and we were geeking out most of the rest of the time.."

>The BBC had some interesting news about Turkey while your agent Nada, (I won't expound on how appropriate that name is) was telling the world how emotionally damaged and shallow she is. Fortunately I have 24 stations programmed into my radio memory (is this an ugly act of predation of the airwaves?). I will use them during the times when you feel it necessary to try to increase your feminist listener audience, an exercise in futility. Since you allowed this insulting waste of time on your show you obviously don't see the problems with this approach so I won't waste more time talking about them, you obviously need to learn by your own painful experience. Hopefully your show will survive this wrong turn.

If you feel you MUST indulge this kind of programming, how about putting it at the END of the shows instead of trying to force us to endure it so we can finally get to the tech content we tuned in for? Please consider this.

Dr. Future "I think what happened is you re-contexualized what she said, probably because you were station surfing and 'filled in the blanks' with your own feelings about feminized women.. also, for the record, most of our shows have the interview for the second hour..this was a departure in that Nada was on for only half an hour starting at 2:30.."

What a disgusting show, pictures of naked people I would never want to imagine stuck in my head, hearing men attacked and letting her tell the world how immature, and emotionally damaged she is, what are you thinking???

Dr. Future - "I was thinking of all the great naked circles I have danced in over the years and the joyous feelings I had in them.."

>Do this again and I'll stop telling people about your show or listening to it myself, if I want to learn about feminism I'll continue to do it as I've done in the past, read books pro and con. Letting this nitwit spew is just insulting to your listeners and a good way to commit show suicide. Uugh!

Dr. Future - " I really suggest you review the actual content, tone and demeanor of Nada's story about Women's Herbal..It's not at all about feminism buts about deeper familial relations amongst the women in both the blood and extended tribal family. Neo-tribalism is part of the the archaic revival in today's evolving California culture and worth talking about, in my humble opinion.. This was not a serious feminist rant by any stretch of the imagination. What weren't you smoking?"


Dr. Future (aka Al 'not just a tech show' Lundell)

Thanks for your feedback..

Thu, September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Future Feedback
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