Inventing the Holodeck, fungally created biofuel, Apple black ops, the latest adventures of Agent Nada.. 
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Digeratti Allan Lundell

Listen Now Dr. Future 9.6.11


It’s September, the summer is almost over, but not before we share with you the magic of our Labor Day weekend.  At half an hour into the show we have a surprise visit from Agent Nada, who regales us with tales from Harbin Hot Springs and the venerable Women’s Herbal gathering..warning..not for the strictly nerdy…she delves into female coming of age ceremonies with her daughter  that are quite heart warming..\

And geeky we do get, with our analysis of the collaboration between the SFPD and Apple Security over the lost iPhone 5, creating biofuel from organic waste via a fungal enzymes, the significance of the Starz/Netflix divorce, and this week’s cautionary tale- space junk!!


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