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Videoing in Public Places, Hurricane Intelligence actions, new green funerals, diamond planet, Virtual Personaforms

Listen Now Dr. Future 8.30.11

With guest futurist Greg Panos in the studio today, anthing can and will happen.  Top of the news is the story of being able to film cops in action in public places, a contentious issue that brings forth the First Amendment.  Meanwhile, our Intel agencies are doing their bit to clean up Hurricane Irene, and a new more green method of funerals is being tried in Florida.  

Greg delves deeply into the idea of your own evolving personal presence in cyberspace, your “personal personnaform.” To both illustrate and entertain,  Dr. Future experiments with a few synthetic voices doing the news.

It’s also the week of Burning Man, and we have  a live report from 13-year old Ciaran Farley, his first burn, in the midst of Black Rock City in Nevada. We also hear from John Graham, who is making sure we have a live feed 24/7 from the playa.  That and a diamond planet, a UCSC Galaxy Simulator, the biggest data drive ever, and human powered tech, all on the show’s link’s page..

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Reader Comments (1)

Thinking about future makes me feel not so good about online writing

Thu, December 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjksdn
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