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Predictions, Pre-crime and the iP/hone/pad App Phenomenon

Listen Now Dr. Future 8.23.11

 It’s funny how the idea of ‘prediction’ has been so prevalent today.   First, was a demo of an alien oracle, recently created by this week’s guest, Santa Cruz’s own iPhone/iPad app developer Mark Buchanon.  Then there were the stories, today’s stories, beginning with the use of what’s known as ‘predictive policing’ by the Santa Cruz Police Dept. And there is the National Institutes of Health’s use of new computational software that allows the predicting of new uses for old drugs. And let us not forget Stanford researcher’s new method for predicting dangerous solar flares!  All covered in our news segment..

And for the second segment of our show, programmer Mark Buchanon educates us about the entreprenurial opportunies in developing iPhone/iPad apps, a billion dollar industry that did not exist a scant 3 years ago!  Oh yes, that er, “Alien Oracle’ app is pretty amazing, based on a visual trinary code, but not quite yet ready for primetime.. soon..

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