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Watson vs Humans, Vat Meat, Expats in Ecuador Saving Rain Forests, planetary Eco-activism, Stephanie Sutton, Keith Lampe, Brian O'Leary Astronaut

Dr. Future Feb 15th, 2011 Listen

 In the news hour, we discuss the use of social media for creating social change in the Middle East, including Twitter use by the U.S. State Department directed to Iranians. We also look at a new scheme for taking down the internet, the IBM Watson computer vs. Humans in playing Jeopardy, and a new way to peer into the human body using astronomy tech. We also briefly touch on a new game-changing technology that allows us to grow meat in a vat rather than killing animals.

In the second hour we have guests via Skype in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, an ex-pat community known for its exceptionally healthy environment.  Our host in South American is Agent Stephane Sutton, there to investigate the scene.  She intros us to Keith Lampe, aka Pondo, one of America’s original hippie activists, historian and change agent, now living in Vilcambamba.  He brings us up to date on his considerable activities there, which can be followed via his email missives.  You can reach him via his website: , where you can subscribe to his daily newsletter.  

We also chat with Dennis “Galen” Mitrzyk, a journalist and ex-Palo Altoan, who recently moved to this Shangri-La community.  He recently co-created and facilitated ~ 10.20 NutopiA 20.10 ~ an Aquarian Gathering of the Rainbow Warriors, a 13-day conference which was attended by people from around the world interested in co-creating a world where people are free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness

Our second call to Vilcabamba introduces you to scientist and ex-astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary, who just finished a new book on energy, entitled “The Energy Solution Revolution.”  He speaks to us about alternative energy and a new documentary about oil and saving the Amazon rainforest  in which he is featured, entitled “Yasuni - two seconds of life.”



Verizon iPhone, Egypt Revolution, Open Leaks, Future of Santa Cruz Libraries

Dr. Future Feb 8th, 2011  Listen

In the first hour, we delve more into the Egyptian Revolution, with some behind-the-scenes analysis, with special thanks to call-in, Michael S.  In the first hour we also explore the the new Open Leaks site, started by Wikileaks employees, and Verizon vs AT&T iPhone results, now in.

In the second hour we focus on the future of libraries, with particular focus on our local Santa Cruz Library system, currently being redefined by the community and city council.  We have a several callers cogniscant of the current situation and update our listeners to what’s what with our libraries. We also check out the newly updated Reagan Presidential Library with 250 iPads, Google’s great art tour you can do from home, and a revolutionary fractal broswer.  Thank you Julia, for that set!


Egypt Uprising, Alt Communications, Rethinking Govt, Solar Highways and Piezoelecticity.

Dr. Future Feb 1st, 2011 Listen

Our most interactive and  creative show yet, we explore alternative ways of communications to and from Egypt during their revolution and the need to focus on our energy independence, as the Middle East goes through their crises. Several alt energy sources are discussed, including out of the box thinking around hydrogen, solar highways, and piezoelectricity. Check out our links for this show!


Desalinization, Laser rocketry, Android Sats, new Venture Capital ventures with Eli Zelkha

Dr. Future Jan 25th, 2011

Should we go forward with the desal plant for our Monterey Bay? There are considerations, pro and con. Meanwhile radical new approaches to rocketry are evolving. “Beam my rocket, Scotty!” And space satellites are getting smaller, better, cheaper, now run by smart phone tech! Our guest for this show is professor Eli Zelkha, who teaches courses in venture capital and entrepreneurialism at Stanford and the Monterey Institute.  He gives us an update on the radical shifts in funding companies these days, and what kinds of new startups are coming down the pike…such as global  ‘crowd sourcing’ services, and the art of failure.. Say what?  Find out more on Dr. Future!


ATT vs Verizon, Freeze Steve, Neantherthal crossbreed, Junk Art Scramble with Ed Martinez

 Dr. Future Jan 18th, 2011

Are you thinking about jumping to Verizon for the new iPhone 4?  Think again, as there are many things to Apple’s fate tied to Job’s health? Maybe Steve has a new out…Now, find out if you have Neanderthal blood, or if you’ll be apple or pear-shaped in your elder years.  Want to make a cool movie with your iPhone? 

Later, we chat in studio with producer Ed Martinez, who wants teams of people turning junk into art on  his new TV show series, Junk Art Scramble..Got junk?  Find out how you can play!