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Verizon iPhone, Egypt Revolution, Open Leaks, Future of Santa Cruz Libraries

Dr. Future Feb 8th, 2011  Listen

In the first hour, we delve more into the Egyptian Revolution, with some behind-the-scenes analysis, with special thanks to call-in, Michael S.  In the first hour we also explore the the new Open Leaks site, started by Wikileaks employees, and Verizon vs AT&T iPhone results, now in.

In the second hour we focus on the future of libraries, with particular focus on our local Santa Cruz Library system, currently being redefined by the community and city council.  We have a several callers cogniscant of the current situation and update our listeners to what’s what with our libraries. We also check out the newly updated Reagan Presidential Library with 250 iPads, Google’s great art tour you can do from home, and a revolutionary fractal broswer.  Thank you Julia, for that set!

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