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Entries in Social Media (2)


Future News and Views with special in studio guest Jennifer Barr, TEDx coordinator and maven of social media, Dr. Bruce checks in on the way home from Burning Man.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 9.05.2017

After a scorching hot labor day weekend, we are happy to have more termperate conditions in the studio with our special guest and long time friend, Jennifer Barr.  She came to the show to watch and listen, but she became a real contributor, giving us some insight on the sources and balance of media in our dailey diets. Dr. Bruce Damer also checked in from his Burning Man adventures, giving us a great update from his world of science performance art.  And we do have some Hurricane and Space News this week as well! Enjoy!

L-R Al Lundell, Sun Lundell, Jennifer Barr


Watson vs Humans, Vat Meat, Expats in Ecuador Saving Rain Forests, planetary Eco-activism, Stephanie Sutton, Keith Lampe, Brian O'Leary Astronaut

Dr. Future Feb 15th, 2011 Listen

 In the news hour, we discuss the use of social media for creating social change in the Middle East, including Twitter use by the U.S. State Department directed to Iranians. We also look at a new scheme for taking down the internet, the IBM Watson computer vs. Humans in playing Jeopardy, and a new way to peer into the human body using astronomy tech. We also briefly touch on a new game-changing technology that allows us to grow meat in a vat rather than killing animals.

In the second hour we have guests via Skype in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, an ex-pat community known for its exceptionally healthy environment.  Our host in South American is Agent Stephane Sutton, there to investigate the scene.  She intros us to Keith Lampe, aka Pondo, one of America’s original hippie activists, historian and change agent, now living in Vilcambamba.  He brings us up to date on his considerable activities there, which can be followed via his email missives.  You can reach him via his website: , where you can subscribe to his daily newsletter.  

We also chat with Dennis “Galen” Mitrzyk, a journalist and ex-Palo Altoan, who recently moved to this Shangri-La community.  He recently co-created and facilitated ~ 10.20 NutopiA 20.10 ~ an Aquarian Gathering of the Rainbow Warriors, a 13-day conference which was attended by people from around the world interested in co-creating a world where people are free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness

Our second call to Vilcabamba introduces you to scientist and ex-astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary, who just finished a new book on energy, entitled “The Energy Solution Revolution.”  He speaks to us about alternative energy and a new documentary about oil and saving the Amazon rainforest  in which he is featured, entitled “Yasuni - two seconds of life.”