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Entries in Virtual therapist (1)


71 Future Now Podcast - Mars Popcorn, Assange Freed, Augmented World Expo Report, Virtual Mother, War Politics and Tech, Birds-cows-poultry virus, Noise and Judgments, General World Modeling

Listen Now to 71 Future Now Podcast

Transcript of show

Something for everybody this week, from Mars popcorn, Assange’s freedom, a great report on what was happening at the Augmented World Expo in Long Beach with Nick Venden and Greg Panos, who blew away the conference by an introduction to his virutal immortality talk made by his deceased mother in virtual form!   We discuss the defense tech of Lucky Palmer, a celebrity in the XR universe, and its implications.  Greg demonstrates the power of Udio in making a lyrical song on the spot about Julian Assange’s release and Dr. Dan gives us an update on the Covid virus. Plus, we start with a pre-roll of stories before the show even begins.. Enjoy!

Pillow talk takes on new meaning.