Future News- Tesla Model 3 Mandatory DNA Records in Kuwait Skiing on Titan Your Denisovan Ancestry
Listen Now to Future News 3.29.2016
Oh boy, a new Tesla car to lust after! The Tesla Model 3 is to be revealed this week, and we look at some of its features. Meanwhile, out in space, our Cassinni probe has revealed a mountain range on Saturn’s moon, Titan as well as large liquid pools and a dense atmosphere. The atmosphere is largely nitrogen and some clouds, with wind and rain, dunes, rivers, lakes and seas of liquid methane-ethane.
Nice place if you like sub-zero temperatures!
We found it most interesting that our species interbred not just with Neanderthal but with a lesser known species known as Denisovans. We have a map of Denisovan territory for your perusal.
And for extra added bonus security, Kuwait is requiring mandatory DNA tests for all residents. Let’s go!