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Entries in psychic (3)


Interview - Karen Noe, Psychic Medium

 Listen Now to Psychic Karen Noe

Karen Noé is a renowned New Jersey-based psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list. She recently published a new book on what she calls the “We Consciousness” for attaining inner and outer peace, which also touches on her psychic connection with the well-known self help guru, Dr. Wayne Dyer, who recently passed away.  In recent shows, we’ve touched on life after death communications such as Electronic Voice Phenomenon, and with Kaen we delve a bit deeper into the topic, exploring her insights into what ‘the other side’ is all about, and how our loved ones are coming to us from a more connected spiritually aligned place.   Enjoy!



Interview with Patricia Cori on the Cetacean Connection and her latest book, "The Emissary" 

Watch the Interview Now

We had the great pleasure of interviewing author, Patricia Cori, on her latest book, “The Emissary,” a cautionary novel/screenplay about a woman in psychic contact with the cetaceans as cataclysmic planetary events unfold. It turns out she’s not just making this stuff up! 


Interview with seer Penny Kelly, about Kundalini, the Coming Changes and keeping positive through the Shift.

Listen Now to Penny Kelly

Penny is a special wisdom keeper for these times, a remarkable seer who is founder of Lilly Hill Farm and Learning Center in Lawton, Michigan, the author of “Robes, the book of coming changes”, “The Elves of Lilly Hill Farm” and several other books about consciousness.

Once an engineer for the Pontiac Division of Chrysler, she had a kundalini experience, awakening her nervous system to other dimensional realms and beings that dwell within them.  It began with a visit of brown robed monk-like entities who showed her telepathically delivered images of what was to come. It has led to her appearance on The Dr. Future Show, so that you may now experience the magical mysterious being known as Penny Kelly.