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Entries in phiometry (2)


Interview - Randy Masters - Sacred Music Composer, Maestro of the Singing Universe

Listen Now to Randy Masters

A teacher of many disciplines, Randy combines his expertise as a composer, harmonic mathematician and background in esoteric and exoteric sciences to reveal the precise harmonics of our universal life field. Randy is an in-depth researcher on the pyramids, sacred sites, and the mathematical language of light and the harmonics of sacred numbers. His “Not So Mystery School” in Aptos, California, features weekend intensives in Sacred Geometry, (phiometry),Tuning Forks and scales, Cymatics and Ancient Esoteric Studies.  We touched on several of his favorite explorations in our interview. Enjoy!


Phiometry with Solagritect Dr. Mohsen Hourmanesh

Dr. Future Show March 22, 2011 Guest- Dr. Mohsen Hourmanesh

 In the first hour, Dr. Future, and Agents Nada and Sun delve into Earthquake info, including new apps (see Links page), the impact of nuclear radiation, cruise missles, and Libya.

In the second hour, we meet the renaissance scientist, Dr. Mohsen Hourmanesh, who introduces us to the world of geometry in nature.

Dr. Mohsen Hourmanesh is an interdisciplinary research scientist with interesting synergetic and omnimorphic experimental applications expertise in the fields of sustainable environmental design and alternative health modalities. Mohsen received his B.S. in electrical engineering from Utah State University in 1972,  Master of Arch. in Passive Solar Design from the University of Texas at Austin in 1977, and went on to receive his Doctorate of Environmental Design (OmniMorphic Architecture and Health) from Texas A & M University in 1979. 

For past three decades Dr. Mohsen Hourmanesh has served as a Solagritect and/or consultant on numerous environmentally sustainable design projects including passive solar buildings design, sick building syndrome, conversion of municipal solid waste to methane, environmental ordinance development on CFC, IAQ, Methane and photovoltaic systems integration for municipal facilities.  Mohsen has written numerous articles about passive solar design and effective utilization of biomass as a clean sustainable energy sources. 

Born into a fourth generation of herb farmers, Mohsen also founded and operates theAvicenna, Studio for Health Design in Santa Cruz, California.  In his pursuit of optimal health design, Mohsen has investigated Avicennian Medicine, Bio-Gas, anaerobic digestion, bio-geometry, Phiometry and Phiologics of optimum health, naturopathic health research, nutropathic health research, naturopathic architecture, nutropathic architecture, the role of pH in bio magnetic and electrical pulse research, radisthesia, enesthisia, and synesthesia. 

He can be reached at