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Entries in omicron (3)


Future News- Bobby with Omicron, Fauci's Paradox, Electron Launches Capstone to Moon, Artificial Photosynthesis, Dandelion Tea fx, NIR Cranial Stimulation, Criminal Brainwave Detector, Creating OOBEs

Listen Now to Dr.Mrs. Future Show 7.05.22

An eclectic summer show, and with Bobby testing positive with Omicron, some thought on treating his condition, with many suggestions from the audience and from himself.  It appears Fauci also has a recurrence of Omicron now as well, and we look at his experience with Pfizer’s pill, Paxlovid.  We also have some space news this week (launching Captstone to lunar orbit), light therapy news, sonically assited Out of the Body Experiences, brainwave patterms that show recognition in court, and an efficient form of synthetic photosynthesis that can work in the dark! Enjoy..

Plants are growing in complete darkness in an acetate medium that replaces biological photosynthesis.


Dr.Mrs. Future Show - Space Telescope update, 3D printed meat startup, solar roofs, Omicron updates

Happy New Year to our dear listeners! We had a great visit to friends near Middleton, CA for our New Years, and are back, renewed and refreshed. In Space News, we are excited that the Webb Space telescope is on it’s way to its observation locations, L2, a million miles from Earth, and all is well.  And for the new year we are looking forward to actually tasting 3D printed beef, lamb, pork, and chicken; though I wouldn’t mind trying Zebra.
And a big yes on solar roofs, another area of breakthrough interest with a pragmatic payoff.  
And naturally we bring you our  latest desconstruction on Omicron, and most notable coverage of this latest variant of the virus.  Lots of callers this week, both new and old, including  ‘Ultra Vultra’ from LA, who will be doing a segment on fusion power next week. Enjoy!
Celebrating the launch of a new era with the Webb space telescope

Future News & Interview - Omicron Arrives, Space Hotel, Squid Sentience, Apple Mixed Reality, Interview with Judith Orloff, M.D. on her "Empath's Survival Guide - Life Strategies for Sensitive People."

Listen Now to Future News and Judith Orloff, M.D.

As the Omicron varient arrives on our shores, what comes to mind is  Alfred E. Neuman’s famous quote, “What, me worry?” Meanwhile, the U.K. grants squid and octopi the status of fellow sentient beings on this planet.  And its about time we start acknowledging these other entitites with which we share our planetary ecosystem.

We have the pleasure of interviewing Judith Orloff, M.D. on today’s show, about her lifelong interest in Judith Orloff, M.D.helping the highly empathic people amongst us.  She is a world bridger, sythesizing the jewels of western medicine with her deep explorations of intuition, life energy, and spirituality.  Her book, The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive PeopleThriving as an Empath, and Emotional Freedom, is a NY Times best seller.  She has many other offerings as well, including online courses, a Empath’s Empowerment Card Deck, and worshops, found at her website. 

We cover some of the basic concepts of empath awareness with her and delve a bit into dream empaths, dealing with narcissistic people, mirror touch synesthesia, trusting your gut, and from a dream caller, “Aether, the final frontier!” Enjoy.