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Entries in lunar water (2)


Future Now - The Glassy Water of Luna, The AI Genie is Bottle Free, Utopias Worth Considering, Big Solar Events, 1000 km Tesla Batteries 

Listen to Future Now 3.28.2023

Early scientists thought the dark stretches of the moon might be oceans, called ‘marias,’ latin for sea.  Well, it turns out there is a lot of water on the lunar surface, not as oceans but stored in billions of glass beads strewn across the surface of the moon, 300 billion tons, according to one estimate, and relatively easy to harvest!

We look at the latest AI insights this week and gear up for an experiment with none other than Billy Sunshine and “Blows Against the Empire.” And if the AI’s can help make our dreams come true, what utopian world would be to our liking? We look a couple of famous Utopias, H.G. Well’s “A Modern Utopia,” and Robert A. Heinlein’s “For Us, The Living.”

There is also a lot of solar activity happening in the next weeks and months and Bobby outlines some preparations for particle bombardment you may wish to consider.  If your phone starts acting crazy, try to tune into this episode before it fritzes out. 

And there is really  a battery breakthrough happening, to be released with new Teslas later this year, batteries that can last a thousand kilometers, and charge faster! The CATL batteries may soon be in many other EV’s as well. Fasten your seatbelts and ENJOY the ride!

A new large geomagnetic storm in formation


Future News Now: Copious Lunar Aqua, Asteroid Capture Crisis, Psyche in our Sights, Spotlight on Bitcoin as it's value rises, Open Letter from World Doctors Alliance to All on Covid controversies, Fat Fights Bacteria

Listen Now to Future News 10.27.2020

Some great space stories this week, as NASA announces more water found on the moon, and the Bennu probes tries to bring home some asteroid rubble, despite some technical difficulties.  The Hubble space telescope also takes a closer look at Psyche, a large metallic orb in the Asteroid Belt, containing more iron, nickel and other metals than the entire Earth.  What are the implications?

We bring on “Anon” to educate us more about Bitcoin and its recent rise from $10-13K in value.  Anon helps us delve a bit into the Bitcoin trading world, a topic of interest to many as the good old US dollar takes some flak from Covid and political turmoil in these tumoltuous times.

Also of interest this week is an open letter from World Doctors Alliance to citizens and governments of the world about contentious issues regarding the  Covid-19 pandemic. Definitely worth checking out, enjoy!