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Entries in John McAfee (3)


Future News and Views - Space Passenger Race Heats Up, AI's on E.T., Swimming in Space, Sunshine on Sunshine, Neanderthal Heritage, Death Dula Experiences, John McAfee's final download to us all.

Listen Now to Future News 6.29.2021

The space race is heating up, with both Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin launching this July! And with new plans for a space hotel for 2023, new “B&B options” are opening up in the near future! And while we discussing space, we share our thoughts on the Pentagon’s whopping 9-page document on UAV’s, “Unidentified Aerial Vehicles.” There are more than 70 pages in the classified version. What are they willing to tell us now? Essentially, the Pentagon is telling us that something weird is happening, we are pretty much clueless as to what it is or who they are, but more $$ to further investigate with AI powered analytics will help.

In other news it was sad to hear of the death of John McAfee in Spain this last week, colorful founder of McAffe Antivirus and explorer of the edge. We combed through his last interviews and have identified what we think is his most important message to us all.  And this week our callers were very interested in sharing near death adventures and experiences of helping others pass to the other side. Quite fascinating, I think you’ll agree. Enjoy!

Alex Grey - “Along the path, Death, Mirror of future”


Future News - Your relationship to the Entire Universe, Amazing Solar Harvester, Exploring the Antikythera Shipwreck, Immersing in Interstellar, Alex Jones/John McAfee Reveal Secrets of the Fake Cell Towers, Poly vs Mono in Desert vs Rainforest People, New Study on Martian Life

Listen Now to Future News 10.07.14

We have more info you on the mysterious cell towers that don’t offically belong to any of the cell phone company carriers, thanks to eccentric high tech millionaire John McAfee, in conversation with Infowars host, Alex Jones. It’s quite revealing and a bit scarey.  But fear not, as we bring you other news that  will make it all ok, well mostly…

And we are taking guesses, who will discover alien life first, Mono or polytheists?  If you are curious about this rather strange trajectory of inquiry, you’ll love our discussion of desert vs rainforest religion based on an anthropological investigation of such matters, followed by a story on what has been found inside a Martian meteorite found in the antarctic.


Dr. Future News - Extreme Telerobotics, Woz packs it up, 3D Printer Photobooth, Drone Instagrams, ISS Sightings, The Power of Awe and Hallucinations,The Saga of John McAffee

Dr.Future News 11.13.12

Lots of interesting news this week, everything from better access to space to computer virus mogul John McAffee on the run in the Carribean..It’s also kind of sad that our very own Steve Wozniak is moving away from our area to Australia..  In any event, enjoy!\