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Entries in Earthquake (2)


Future News - Google X Update Turning Air into Fuel Col Terry on Presidential Politics Crowd-Sourced Earthquake Prediction, Sound in Ceramics, Moore Movie Review GMO Mosquitos  

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show News 2.16.2016

Lots of call-ins for today’s show, as we discuss politics a bit and touch on other important social issues like earthquake detection/prediction, climate change, and mosquitos.  Yes, GMO mosquitos to fight the ZIKA virus, good idea?  Let’s look at these things..Enjoy!



Future News - Our Quake Experiences, iOS Dev Camp, The Robo Internet, Cheap Hydrogen Electrolysis, BioTech Rejuvenation, Genetically Edited Fruit 

Listen Now to Future News 8.26.14

Where were you for the latest in California Earthquake rock and rolling?  It woke us up with a story to tell…Curious about how you might someday create your own Smartphone app?  Come with us to iOS Dev Camp in Silicon Valley, where we spent a big part of our weekend tracking the progress of many folks doing just that, creating their own apps, with lots of onhand readily available help from those in the know.  And what is this Robo Internet that is forming, specifically for robots?  And why do they want all of our appliance manuals?  

And is electricity really how our cars will be powered? With the latest breakthrough in cheap electrolysis, perhaps it would be better to consider fuel cells as the more abundant and affordable alternative..  We’ve all heard of GMO’s and Frankenfood, but have you heard of the kindler gentler Genetically Edited Fruit? 

We also cover the SENS Conference on Rejuevenation Biotech this week, with a focus on slowing down and ultimately reversing the aging process!  Enjoy our Future News!