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Entries in Blue Origin (5)


Future News - New Apple products discussion, Blue Origin Capsule Escapes Certain Destruction, Alien Clean Room, Race to Moon for Helium 3, Oxygen on Mars, Cheap Powerful AlSNaCL battery, Wave Energy Machine Runs 10 months, 99% uptime, 12-person Hydrofoil 

Listen Now to Future News 9.13.2022

 This is the week of new iPhones for the year, so naturally we have Taylor Barcroft in the studio, giving you the download on what’s best in the new lineup. We also share the latest in Space News, with the emergency Blue Origin almost disaster, NASA plans for a high tech Alien Clean Room, the Chinese/American race to the moon, possibly for resources like Helium 3, and new energy tech. Most fun, however, is the SeaBubble, a 12 person hydrofoil that runs on Hydrogen Electric, enjoy!

The SeaBubble, a 12-person hydrofoil running on H electric


Billionaires in Outer Space, a good idea? Dr. Bruce Damer weighs in after the epic flight of Blue Origin and Jeff Bezos. Aliens in Inner Space? Open lines for that one.. 

Listen Now to Dr.Mrs. Future Show 7.20.20

This week, with the launch of Jeff Bezo’s Blue Origins spacecraft, our focus was on billionaires pioneering outer space as opposed to nation states footing the bill. Is this a positive direction for exploring the final frontier? Dr. Bruce Damer, who has sourced many NASA projects over the years, weighs in the topic, as do we and many of our callers.

There are two very different versions of outer space exploration these, one the more traditional rockets and spaceships, the other traveling via the ether of inner space. One caller thought we should take an idea of Art Bell’s playbook and have an ‘alien line,’ for aliens to call in to the show, assuming that many aliens are here, via the inner realms of consciousness.  A fun show that touches on many ways to think about exploring space.  Enjoy!



Interview - Dr. Bruce Damer on the latest in Asteroid Capture, Mining, and Origin of Life.

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Damer 5.14.2019

One of our regular contributors to the show, Dr. Bruce Damer shares with us some of his latest explorations regarding Asteroids, especially regarding capture, analysis, mining, and origin of biological life as we know it. We also discuss Blue Origin and their interests in exploring the moon, how space mining will affect planetary economics, manufacturing materials in space, future protection from asteroids, and Bruce’s views of the rumored secret space program




Future News - Blue Origin Gets into Space, ID TechEx explored, New qTeleportation Record Set, Cannabis bio-plastic created, MIT Time Capsule uncovered, Picture Phone almost changed everything, Particle Accelerator in a Shoebox, Biolab in a Breadbox

Listen Now to Future News 11.24.2015

Thanksgiving week is full of amazing future news, congrats to Jeff Bezos and the Blue Origin team for getting into space with their new craft!  We had a great tour of the high tech trade show IDTechEx and share our findings in a report this week.  

And least we forget the MIT time capsule from 1957 that was accidently found with a note in it, saying “Please Don’t Open til 2957.”  It had some very interesting contents, including an early invention that challenged the transistor itself..

Plus I can’t wait for my Amino kitchen BioLab, and soon, a particle accelerator in a shoebox from Stanford! It’s getting fun now, enjoy the show, and Happy Thanksgiving!



Future News - Blue Origin Entering Space Club, $100 Million E.T. Search, Hyperloop Gains Progress, Tanning Drug Leads to Pink Pill, Video Search Easily Confused 

Listen Now to Future News 8.25.2015

As the summer reaches it’s completion and Burning Man is well underway, we are back home in KSCO’s studio with the Future News! I particularly enjoyed  the Pink Pill discussion and looking for intelligent life in the Universe conversation! Though the Starship Enterprise being confused for a waffle iron was pretty hilarious.. Enjoy the show!