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Entries in asteroid return (2)


Future News - Asteroid Return Mission, Mars Volcanism, Dreamchaser Shuttle, Space Hotel, Dogtha, a Canine Group Mind <humor>, Dr. Stephen Sideroff on Optimal Health and Peak Performance

Listen Now to Future News 5.18.2021

It looks like we have more evidence of possible life on Mars, given recent findings regarding fairly recent (<50K years) volcanic activity on the red planet.  And to help get us more easily into space and back is a new spaceship, somewhat reminiscent of the venerable Shuttle, The Dreamchaser, by the Sierra Nevada Corporation. This week we also have a Dr.Mrs. Future comedy skit, about the use of Neuralink to create a group mind…with canines!

The new Dreamchaser space shuttle

And for those of you looking forward to returning to normal and beyond after this last year, consider a free online seminar coming up, hosted by Dr. Stephen Sideroff, on optimal health, resilience, and peak performance, featuring insights from 11 master business consultants and CEOs.  We speak with the good doctor about his event. Enjoy!

Dr. Stephen Sideroff on optimal health, resilience, and peak performance



Interview - Dr. Bruce Damer on the latest Asteroid Return Missions, the Starship Tests, the Origins of Life, and us as Imaginal Cells in the Field.

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Damer 12.15.2020

One of our favorite guests, Bruce brings us up to date on the latest asteroid return missions, heralding a new era in our ability to collect samples from off planet in our solar system and bring them back to Earth. We delve a bit into the adventures of Elon Musk’s Starship, and Bruce’s Origin of Life research, including his inclusion in a feature article on the topic in the latest issue of Nature, the scientific journal. 

We also discuss mRNA and why that is such a breakthrough approach for vaccines, understanding the creation of life via protocells, the rise of human consciousness as a kind of slime mold in the Gaian field, and our role as imaginal cells in the field. We discuss his collaboration with Dr. David Deamer, and the future of online collaboration with the next generation of scientists. Mrs. Future also reminds us of  the ‘Christmas Star’ that will appear next week, for the first time in hundreds of years.  Enjoy!

Dr. Bruce Damer, looking up!