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Interview - Michael Arnold, MD, L.Ac. on Perfect Vision via eye re-training and exercises

Listen Now to Michael Arnold, M.D. L.Ac.

Michael Arnold, MD, L.Ac. is a recently retired physician and teacher. He holds degrees in Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Buddhist Psychology and has recently written a book bringing the Bates method of eye re-education into the 21st century, using modern English, current medical understanding and terminology, and adjunct therapies like yoga and tai chi, to bring the eyes into more robust health.  Dr. Arnold also gives us his  take on the current Western medical model and on the current Covid-19 crises and vaccines.  The good doctor also serenades us with a call to action tune on his guitar. Enjoy!

L-R Dr.Mrs. Future, Dr. Michael Arnold, M.D. L.Ac.

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