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Interview - Ellen Komp on her new book "Tokin' Women - A 4000-Year Herstory of Women and Marijuana"

Listen Now to Ellen Komp aka Nola Evangelista

Ellen is a ‘herstorian,’ looking at history from the point of view of women’s experiences of life.  In this case, she has written a delightfully intelligent collection of 50 short stories on famous women’s use and thoughts about the sacred herb, marijuana. 

Susan Sarandon, for example, once said “I’d rather have my kids smoke weed then drink, except that it’s illegal.” Or psychologist Susan Blackmore who said “without cannabis most of my scientific research would never have been done.” And Margaret Mead “marihuana is not harmful unless it is taken in enormous and excessive amounts.”

As the California deputy director of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marihuana Laws), Ellen is also up on the current status of Marihuna legalization efforts, sharing with us some info in this arena.

Beautifully layed out with an image and one page story for each tokin woman, this book makes a great ‘stocking stuffer’, and the perfect size for powder room reading. 

Come with us as we delve into the hidden world of female cannabis use through time with herstorian and storyteller, Ellen Komp.



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