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Interview - Ayman Sawaf on Emotional Literacy and Terrorism

Listen Now to Ayman Sawaf

From the Middle East and a pioneer in the worlds of Emotional Literacy and Sacred Commerce, Ayman helps us get a grip on what’s happening in the minds of the ISIS/ISIL terrorists that are commanding so much of our attention these days.  One of the key emotions to understand, according to Ayman, is shame and how it works, how it can numb the mind and other feelings, leading to the violence we are seeing.  Ayman also discusses how working on the inner worlds of one’s emotions can directly affect the way the outer world is experienced and lived.  So… are you at peace with your ‘inner terrorist’? If not, then we strongly recommend this show. And even if you are, you’ll enjoy the spirit that Ayman brings to this difficult issue. 

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