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Future Now Show - Starship Crash Analysis, Voyager 1 and 2 get more juice, Future of Libraries, AI/Human Mind reading (for real), Party excerpts, Longevity Conf Clips and Analysis with Master Now 

Listen to Future Now 5.02.2023

Starship taking offThis week we are back in our home studio, though because of the inclement weather and failing solar, generator, and battery power, we a operating our entire studio on a tiny backup generator (Honda 2000i).  Despite our production challenges, the show came out quite well, with call-ins, including Billy Sunshine. Both Bobby Wilder and Master Now gave us a detailed analysis of some of the content from this week’s excellent online Longevity Conference, with clips from Peter Diamandis, Bruce Lipton, and Aubrey de Grey.   Enjoy!

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