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Future News - What was cool and hot at the Mother of Maker Faire's with Richard Cray and Greg Panos

Listen Now to Al, Sun, Greg and Richard on Maker Faire 2018 

Indeed, it is that time of year when Makers, small and large, men, women, and children of all ages gather to Richard Cray getting head enlargement photo by Greg Panosshare and show off their latest creations, be they glow in the dark plants, intelligent jackets or virtual worlds of play.  We think of it as a kind of people’s world’s fair, a decentralized collection of unbridled creativity, fueled by the tools and technologies rising from our amazing cauldron, otherwise known as the Bay Area.  

To cover this unbelievable collection of projects run amok, we have none other than our favorite co-conspirators of a better future, Richard Cray and Greg Panos, who spent three days at the faire, checking out the most interesting nooks and crannies, for your enjoyment and potential education.  Have fun!

photo by Richard Cray


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