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« Future News - ISS Dodges Disaster, SLS Counts down to T-29 sec., Sonic Levitation Advance, Starship passes Environmental Hurdles, Homage to JJ Webb, Meta's latest VR headsets, Neighborhood Whirlpool Turbine Power | Main | Interview - Feature Filmmaker Brett Leonard on how the Metaverse can heal our global family »

Future News - M1 Solar Flare, Far out Voyager 1 Losing Sense of Direction, Report from Sean Down Under, Exotic Cultured Meat Tasting, Venus to be Probed, Google's 'Sentient' AI Discussion, Stucco Power, High Tech UFO investigation, Pebble in the Percy's Wheel 

The most discussed story this week by us and our callers was not alien but artificial intelligence, regarding the recent reports of the Google chat system known as LaMDA becoming self aware, by engineer Blake Lemoine. Blake was placed on paid leave as this story broke, and proceeded to post his pov and transcript of his conversations with LaMDA on Medium, listed in our links page. We and our callers explored this story in a way I think you’ll find both entertaining and maybe even educational. Enjoy!

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