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« Community Spring/Cabin Fever - Conversations on Quarantine, Exploring better rules, social safety nets, Authoritarian Enforcements, Eating with a face mask, Antibody test breakthroughs, the new non-debt economy, Kindness in Social distancing | Main | Future News - Community blow back, updates on Corona treatment methods, Earth day remembrance, Bombshell pronouncements of Judy Mikovits, immune enhancement with Spiralina »

Future News - Beach Closures, zinc ionophores, forest bathing, uvc light decontamination, Covid-19 strokes, Light Therapy, 3-D printing PPE's, Stanford/LA Exposure Study, 5G/Covid Conspiracy, Martian drone, Space Robot Service Repair, ʻOumuamua exhaust study released. 

Loads to discuss this week, naturally mostly about the virus, but some Space News worth mentioning. There is much controversy going on with the virus, from closing our beaches and civilization, to how widespread is it, really? There are also some more natural ways of strenghening your immune system that seem to be effective, such as forest bathing and cedar saunas acting as zinc ionophores. And then there young heros like  Esther House,  who is using her home 3-D printer to make personal protection gear for first responders. To help with our understanding of what’s unfolding we have our science correspondent Bobby Wilder and wholistic health practitioner, Dr. Dan Beilin on the line.
In space news  this week we discuss the new helicopter for our next Mars rover, launching in a month, the first space robot that services satellites in orbit, andlatest strangeness from  ʻOumuamua, an asteroid passing through our solar system from another part of the Galaxy. Enjoy!

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