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« Future News and Commentary - Baby Yoda in Space, Chinese Moon Mission Return, Vaccine News with Moderna, Pfizer, Kennedy Efficacy Report, Checking the Fact Checkers, Who Should we Believe? | Main | Future News - OSIRIS-Rex on its way home, Pole Shift Blues, Deleting Clouds with AI, Deep Space Network upgraded, new Astronaut Senator, NASA Chief Bridenstine report card, Starlink beta test results, Placebos as a real Therapeutic, University of Washington breakthrough research with a nano-vaccine for Covid-19, Detecting Covid by Coughing App »

Future News - 300 Million Inhabitable worlds in local Galaxy, Virgin Hyperloop Debuts, New Apple Silicon released, Ballot manulation via NSA's "Hammer" and "Scorecard" under investigation, Minks Stole the Covid, New Virus Detection by Coughing into App,UW, Pfizer, Lily Covid studies explored 

Listen Now to Future News 11.10.2020

Can you believe it, more Apple news? Yep, three major presentation in the last two months, and this one is all about the new Apple Silicon, and how it’s stream lining the Apple eco-system with high speeds and levels of coss platform compatibility. Apple tracker Taylor Barcroft is in the studio with the latest Apple info.

Not as much space news this week, but I found it fascinating that NASA’s latest estimate of inhabitable worlds in our local galaxy is about 300 million planets.  Talk about room for migration! All we need is some decent transportation, perhaps a future version of Virgin Galactic’s Hyperloop..

And lots of virus news this week, with the 90% success rate of Pfizer’s vaccine and promising reseach results from the University of Washington on their ultra-potent nano-particle vaccine. My favorite this week is the MIT research to create an app for your phone that can see if you have Covid simply by analyzing your coughs!  Bobby Wilder is in our virtual studio to help us sift throught the latest research.  Enjoy!





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